California Ground Squirrel

OneThree of four ground squirrels I saw, three outside the chain-link-enclosed area where they seem to live.

California Ground Squirrel

This one was looking around outside the fence before it ran inside, joining another one that I hadn’t seen until they both started moving.

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California Ground Squirrel California Ground Squirrel

This one was eating, then ran back to the fence for safety as I got closer, looked around for a bit before diving inside.

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California Ground Squirrel
This one was darting around the lawn nearby.

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California Ground Squirrel

I saw this squirrel a few lots down the street while I was out walking.

I saw this #squirrel a few lots down the street while I was out walking. It paused. I paused. I got my camera out. It stood up to look around. I kept my camera out. Then it slowly ran down the street almost but not quite in my direction until it passed about 4 feet away, then paused in the shade before continuing on its way. I think it started trying to determine whether I was a threat or not, and then whether I was likely to give it food or leave it alone. #nature

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California Ground Squirrel

California Ground Squirrel

California Ground Squirrel

I see tree squirrels around town all the time, but this is the first ground #squirrel I’ve spotted in ages. You can tell by the narrower tail. and the pattern of the fur.

And when I moved too fast it dove into the hole instead of running off.

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I’ve seen so many tree squirrels since I started on iNat, I can’t even remember the last time I saw a ground squirrel. At least, I think it’s a ground squirrel – something about the head shape, plus the narrower tail. And the iNat AI seems to agree.

Plus it was sitting in a hole and rushed underground instead of running away when I moved too quickly.

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Two crows chased a squirrel across the lawn at a park…

Two crows chased a squirrel across the lawn at a park, one of them swooping down and possibly making contact with its claws (I couldn't quite tell) until it ran up this tree.Then they perched on a nearby fence and waited. When it tried to run down the trunk, they flew at it again and it went back up. One crow perched on another branch of the tree and waited, while the other flew off.

#nature #birds #squirrel #crows

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Crow on iNaturalist