Pegg as Scotty

comment on the post “Trekkies Petition To Remove Pegg as Scotty”:

Scotty, misanthrope with a core of rage? I don’t think so.

Now, on first viewing, I’ll admit, Scotty in the film seemed a bit off from what I remembered. Oddly enough, though I rewatched an episode of the original series a few days later (I forget which one), and I was struck by how similar James Doohan’s performance was to Simon Pegg’s (or, rather, the other way around).

They don’t look particularly alike, but the acting matched, down to facial expressions. Especially if you take into account that in TOS, you see Scotty after he’s been the respected chief engineer for however-many years, and in the new movie, you see him as a young officer who’s spent the last 6 months in an isolated station with only one person for company, with whom he doesn’t get along.