There we go, the perfect coffee mug for a convention day!
Category: Instagram
TBT to the Flashes of WonderCon 2017!
Photo taken at: Wondercon
#TBT to the Flashes of #WonderCon 2017! I saw a lot of amazing Flash cosplayers last year at WonderCon!
Keep an eye out for photos from this year’s convention, coming up this weekend. The rain should be over by then.
I’ve tried to identify as many of the cosplayers as possible. Please correct me if I’ve made any errors! ? as Jay Garrick
@sylviaslays as DC Bombshells Flash/Jesse Quick
@photo__rn as CW Jay Garrick
? as DC Bombshells Flash/Jesse Quick
In the CW group: ? as Harrison Wells
? as Flash/Barry Allen
@findnjewels as Jesse Quick
@new_element_studios as Kid Flash
@zyusouken85 as movie Flash
@vigilantecosplay as Reverse Flash
@amariariana as Flash
@new_element_studios as movie Flash
@zyusouken85 as movie Flash
? as sparkly Flash
#TheFlash #cosplay #BarryAllen #JesseQuick #JayGarrick #WonderCon2017 #DCBombshells #JusticeLeague #ReverseFlash #TheFlashCosplay #ReverseFlashCosplay #JayGarrickCosplay #BarryAllenCosplay #JesseQuickCosplay
Hawthorne flowers blooming in a December heat wave.
Hawthorne flowers blooming in a December heat wave.
Sun halo spotted a few weeks ago.
Is it the shoes?
Is it the shoes?
“Gotham needs you.”
“Gotham needs you.” View of the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco on a recent trip.
Reverse sunset
Reverse sunset. The day was remarkably clear, the Santa Ana winds having swept all the smog out to sea, but at the end of the day you can see the dust coming in from the desert. Tomorrow will still be hot and dry, but it won’t be as clear.
Slippery when wet. (Honestly, it seems kind of redundant.)
Slippery when wet. (Honestly, it seems kind of redundant.) Summer storms are unheard of in this part of California (outside the mountains, anyway), but after a day of Florida-style humidity to go with the heat, I shouldn’t have been surprised when the sky opened up in the afternoon.
Breaking through
Breaking through.
Late afternoon sunlight breaking through the clouds last Thursday.
Backlit clouds casting shadows on the sky.
Zoo map
Zoo map
SDCC TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper
Photo taken at: Comic-Con International at San Diego Convention Center
#SDCC #TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper from Read or Die, at Comic Con International in 2009.
Sadly, we don’t have anyone on site at #ComicCon this year. We’re following along online with everyone else! (We’ve posted this a couple of times, so I thought I’d try some post-processing using AfterFocus to blur the background. Not bad, though the edges are a little sharp.)
NOTE: The original photo is on K2R, Flickr and Speed Force. Need to see if I’ve used (or at least saved!) the background-blurred version anywhere already.
Flashes of WonderCon! I saw a lot of amazing Flash cosplayers over the weekend, and these are just the ones I caught on camera. I’ve finished my full gallery at Flickr/kelsonv & write up on my personal blog – you can find a link to it on the latest article on if you’re interested
Flashes of WonderCon! I saw a lot of amazing Flash cosplayers over the weekend, and these are just the ones I caught on camera. I’ve finished my full gallery at Flickr/kelsonv & write up on my personal blog – you can find a link to it on the latest article on if you’re interested!
Considering Wally West’s favorite cereal is canonically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs (a 1990s-era Calvin & Hobbes reference), this seems appropriate
Considering Wally West’s favorite cereal is canonically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs (a 1990s-era Calvin & Hobbes reference), this seems appropriate.
Rainy day
It was intense in a lot of places, but our neighborhood did about as well as the last big storm. Northern California has been having it really bad, though. It’s weird to go from 6 years of drought to catastrophic flooding.
Sun halo
Sun halo. At ground level it was in the low 70s, but up in the sky it was cold enough for ice crystals. It’s hard to be sure, but I think there’s a bit of a circumscribed halo just outside the main curve of the circular halo.
Sun halo and palm trees.
Venus is surprisingly high in the sky right now.
Venus is surprisingly high in the sky right now.
Up is down.
There’s never been such a day…
Photo taken at: Kenneth Hahn Park