Yeah, the trees vary a lot depending on which microclimate…





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Great photos!  I think I should visit California in winter at some point, because I thought it would look really different.  


The ponds are unusual, actually – the whole area’s been built up so much that only a few fragments of the marsh habitat are left, and remaining open space near LA is mostly in the hills and mountains. Those tend toward sparse forest, chaparral, and seasonal grasslands. The taller mountains usually get snow each winter, but the lowlands don’t.

The overall climate is hot and dry in the summer and mild and wet in winter, so January and February are when the hills start turning green. In wet years there’s usually a lot of wildflowers in spring, and then the grass turns golden brown in summer as the weather heats up and the rains stop.

Every year there are a few wildfires somewhere around the state too, usually in the mountains and canyons. That used to be mainly in fall, but the last few years it’s stretched out to year-round.

Further inland the deserts are are another totally different experience, with wider temperature extremes on both ends, fascinating geology, and their own ecosystems.

I’d definitely recommend visiting when you get a chance. Out of curiosity, what were you expecting?

I didn’t expect there to be so many deciduous trees that would lose their leaves.  This looks just like Ontario in late fall or early spring, and I guess I was thinking it’d look a little more sub-tropical or desert-like.  I know northern California is more temperate, but since you live in the southern part I assumed this would be different.  So now I’ve learned something new, and thanks for the explanation!

And yeah, I really would like to visit someday.  Probably not in the heat of summer because my spouse hates those kinds of temperatures, but I’d like to see it at any time of year.

Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, the trees vary a lot depending on which microclimate and whether they’re landscaped or wild. Most of the trees used for landscaping either don’t drop their leaves in winter or only thin out. Palm trees, eucalyptus and pine are popular. And it doesn’t get cold enough for a lot of trees that would drop their leaves in other climates, at least if they’re getting enough water. Driving around the neighborhood I’d say only about 10% of the trees have gone totally dormant.

I suspect one of the reasons so many of the trees in the marsh drop their leaves is the seasonal water access. I went up into the mountains a few weeks ago and mostly there were either small bushes and trees that were green or taller evergreen trees.