I really don’t want to go to the ER the day before Food Allergy Awareness Week starts.
Hoping I won’t have to.
Though I suppose if I do it’ll make a good awareness story.
The last time I went to the ER with anaphylaxis, I took an ambulance from San Diego Comic-Con. A few month later I got a $1500 ambulance bill. And that was with insurance. The next time I needed to go to the ER for something, I took a taxi. Maybe not the best idea, but it was a hell of a lot cheaper.
So I’m sitting here in a room with everyone else, waiting to see if the reaction stays it the current plateau or gets worse, with the epipen next to me in case i need it. Going through photos I took today because I need something to do. Charging my phone just in case. While my kid nervously shreds junk mail.
So far, so good. Hasn’t gotten any worse. Kid’s gone to bed. I ate some rice (a safe bet!) without difficulty.
Reaction seems to have subsided! Still not sure what it was… Best guess is a garbanzo bean fell into the wrap by accident.
But I feel safe going to sleep now, which is good because I’m totally exhausted.