It’s even worse

Replying to a comment on why Ro would have seen someone’s post about The Bad Space.

It’s even worse: The relevant Kolectiva user replied directly to one of Ro’s posts on what had previously been a constructive thread about blocklist sharing in the context of last week’s spam attacks.

Original thread start:

Ro replied in the discussion with a link to an article he’d written at Nivenly about the topic. The person in question replied saying he wouldn’t trust Nivenly because the Bad Space was a Nivenly project. Ro replied that it wasn’t true, pointing out that TBS was independent and he’d used it as an example in the article because he knew the project, having built it…

…and then it just went off the rails completely with the guy repeatedly trashing TBS, Nivenly, anyone involved in the project, and just doubling down every time someone posted contradictory information.

And then he started a new thread summing up the same claims he’d made and completely ignoring anything anyone else had said.

Ro’s posts in the original thread appear to have been deleted, but his first post was a simple “I wrote something on this exact topic you’ve brought up, here’s the link.”