Star Trek: The Motion Picture is playing on SyFy. At first I was curious because it's been so long since I've seen it. Now I mostly want to watch The Wrath of Khan instead.
Category: Facebook
Dear Facebook: If I mark “Friends only” when uploading a photo, please do not place
Dear Facebook: If I mark “Friends only” when uploading a photo, please do not place it in an album that *everyone* can view.
Though they are encrypted, the frames that make up a Skype call contain clues
Chapel Hill Computational Linguists Crack Skype Calls
“What is surprising is that though they are encrypted, the frames that make up a Skype call contain clues about what phonemes are being spoken.”
“Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words ‘app store’ together denote
Apple rebuts Amazon’s stance that ‘app store’ is a generic term
“Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words ‘app store’ together denote a store for apps.” Um, good luck with that.
I’ve located the slides from the 1989 Discovery space shuttle landing (first mission after Challenger)…
I've located the slides from the 1989 Discovery space shuttle landing (first mission after Challenger) that I went to see with my mom, brother, and a family friend. Now I need to find a place that will scan them before the final shuttle flight.
Krebs’ 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety
The CDC offers suggestions on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse (or other disaster).
Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
The CDC offers suggestions on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse (or other disaster).
Two new local restaurants and an ice cream place, a trip to the pier, pictures…
Two new local restaurants and an ice cream place, a trip to the pier, pictures hung in J's room, bookshelves finally put in place and books unpacked…it's like we're moving in or something!
The sky *looks* hazy, but it’s astonishingly clear. Local mountains are crystal, I spotted Mt
The sky *looks* hazy, but it's astonishingly clear. Local mountains are crystal, I spotted Mt San Jacinto from Torrance, & I could swear I saw the Hollywood sign from *Irvine*.
The Economics of Death Star Planet Destruction
Planespotting. Was on the wrong side of the building to see Air Force One, but…
Planespotting. Was on the wrong side of the building to see Air Force One, but did manage to see a convoy of about 6 helicopters spiraling in to land a few minutes ago.
Gee, I love how these “secure email” services train people to click on links in…
Gee, I love how these “secure email” services train people to click on links in email and enter personal info on a website in response to the promise of critical financial documentation.
I can’t say I’ll miss [Yahoo Buzz]
I can’t say I’ll miss it. The few times I’ve used it, it felt like I was shouting into a vacuum. IIRC, they didn’t feel it was worth objecting when Google launched their own site called Buzz, so the writing’s been on the wall for quite a while. Hmm, I wonder how the two Buzz’s user bases compare….
Another One Bites The Dust: Yahoo To Kill Buzz On April 21
We knew this was coming, but Yahoo has announced that it will not longer support Yahoo Buzz, its a Digg-like product where users can rank stories from publishers.
You know what I miss about film cameras? The fact that they’d take the picture
You know what I miss about film cameras? The fact that they'd take the picture *when* you hit the button, not a second or two *afterward*.
I think I finally *saw* this commercial.
Ugh. Got the last phone bill for the old apartment and there’s *another* fraudulent charge…
Ugh. Got the last phone bill for the old apartment and there's *another* fraudulent charge from “ILD Teleservices” for “Comp U Fix.” Looks like I get to spend more time on the phone with AT&T tomorrow. At this rate I half-expect to get billed again *next* month, even though our AT&T account should be closed by then.
Not everyone eating gluten-free is following the latest health fad. Many of them REALLY…
Controversial Post on Facebook by Chef
Many of us who have Celiac, or live with those that who do, know the importance of avoiding gluten at all costs. Many times, finding a restaurant or cafe that has a gluten free menu and takes the time to make sure it doesn’t get contaminated is a source of great excitement. And, sometimes, gluten gets in there anyways. This post by a chef on facebook makes me wonder how often it isn’t a mistake…
Not everyone eating gluten-free is following the latest health fad. Many of them REALLY DO have a medical reason. Food poisoning symptoms wouldn’t start in your restaurant either, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t just poison your own customers. I wonder if this guy feeds sugar to diabetics and alcohol to people who are on medication that interacts badly with it?
Being poked in the eye with a baby’s finger *is* better than being poked in
Being poked in the eye with a baby's finger *is* better than being poked in the eye with a sharp stick, but I still wouldn't recommend it.
So I can change anything about my AT&T service online EXCEPT cancel it. For that,…
So I can change anything about my AT&T service online EXCEPT cancel it. For that, I have to call. And sit on hold. Because they want to be able to talk me out of it. I'm moving to an area where they don't *provide* service. It's gonna be a bit hard to talk me into keeping it.
Deposit made, lease signed, walk-through accomplished. Now the fun part begins: packing and moving. It’s
Deposit made, lease signed, walk-through accomplished. Now the fun part begins: packing and moving. It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks…