Dear insurance company phone system: It might be a good idea to put the requisite “If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911” message *before* making the caller spend five minutes jumping through hoops to identify himself. Just a thought.
Category: Facebook
Remember how long it took to get full PNG support in all the major web browsers?
WebP, a new image format for the Web
Remember how long it took to get full PNG support in all the major web browsers?
Have you ever found yourself wanting to stay late at the office just for the
Have you ever found yourself wanting to stay late at the office just for the air conditioning?
A cautionary tale on the importance of proper punctuation.
In honor of the Sparkletts water ad proclaiming that they offer “calorie-free” and “sugar-free” drinks…
In honor of the Sparkletts water ad proclaiming that they offer “calorie-free” and “sugar-free” drinks, here's an old XKCD comic strip.
taking a break from living-room klotski.
taking a break from living-room klotski.
If you’re trying to do something sneaky, maybe you should avoid clicking on the “report this crash to Microsoft” button
Hackers accidentally give Microsoft their code
If you’re trying to do something sneaky, maybe you should avoid clicking on the “report this crash to Microsoft” button.
Prop 8 “fails to advance any rational basis…”
Republican-appointed judge overturns government restriction on personal freedom. Shouldn’t conservatives be happier about this?
I like this quote from the judge, saying that Prop 8 “fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples. … Because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis, the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.”
Forsooth, do you grok my jive, me hearties?
Forsooth, do you grok my jive, me hearties? (Yes, I'm catching up on webcomics. Can you tell?)
Truth in a Venn diagram.
The “moon hoax” hoax debunked in comic-book form.
The “moon hoax” hoax debunked in comic-book form.
Back from Comic-con, mostly unpacked, and now sorting & uploading the rest of the photos.
Back from Comic-con, mostly unpacked, and now sorting & uploading the rest of the photos.
I woke up to the steady drip-drip of water leaking from the kitchen light fixture….
I woke up to the steady drip-drip of water leaking from the kitchen light fixture. Such fun. It turned out to be a broken hose in the upstairs apartment's kitchen sink. Fortunately it's all linoleum, the light cover channeled the water onto the floor, and it was slow enough (and caught soon enough) not to spread to any furniture or walls, so we aren't out anything but a few paper towels.
Ah, computer nostalgia! If you have a Gmail account and have been using computers long…
Ah, computer nostalgia! If you have a Gmail account and have been using computers long enough to remember monochrome monitors, go to Settings and then Themes, and check out the Terminal theme. It's almost perfect: Green on black, fixed-width font, even fake ASCII art for the borders and Gmail logo! The “High Score” theme has areal old-school Nintendo feel to it as well.
Is this Orange County, CA, or Orange County, FL? Bright sunshine, 90 degrees…and rain. in
Is this Orange County, CA, or Orange County, FL? Bright sunshine, 90 degrees…and rain. in July.
Want to see what LA traffic looks like on a typical Friday evening? You…
Want to see what LA traffic looks like on a typical Friday evening? You can. A co-worker just pointed out that you can view statistical traffic on Google Maps in addition to live traffic. Enable Traffic, then look at the map key and hit “change,” and you can choose the day of the week and time.
If I’d known there would be psychic cephalopods involved…
If I'd known there would be psychic cephalopods involved, I would have paid a little more attention to the World Cup. It sounds like a great topic for a SyFy Original Movie.
Update: there is in fact a 2012 film, though it’s a documentary.
I find it amusing that there’s a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
I find it amusing that there's a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
I find it amusing that when they updated the article, they made sure to
I find it amusing that when they updated the article, they made sure to add “Felt in Los Angeles!” to the headline.
That was a surprisingly long earthquake. When it started, it was mild enough that I…
That was a surprisingly long earthquake. When it started, it was mild enough that I thought it was just someone walking heavily across the office. (I wonder how many small quakes I don't notice because of that?) After ~20 seconds, the shaking got stronger…and it just kept going. 60 seconds? 90? USGS rates it at 5.4 near Anza-Borrego.