Similar to my own thoughts on the portal Equifax set up for people to check.

Equifax compromise and their insecure response

Similar to my own thoughts on the portal Equifax set up for people to check.

Just enter your name and 2/3 of your SSN into this brand new website that you can’t verify actually belongs to Equifax, and we’ll tell you if you’ve been pwned!

It really is Equifax as far as I can tell, but the way it’s set up sets off a ton of red flags and will train people to ignore those flags on actual phishing attacks.

It’s possible to add noise to an image that the human brain filters out, but that will cause computers to misclassify it.

Slight Street Sign Modifications Can Completely Fool Machine Learning Algorithms

From the still-needs-work department: It’s possible to add noise to an image that the human brain filters out (or doesn’t even notice), but that will cause computers to misclassify it. Amusing when you’re sorting photos of animals, but dangerous when it convinces a self-driving car that a stop sign is simply reporting a speed limit.

This is a man who routinely abused his authority to violate human rights, civil…

Wait, Do People Actually Know Just How Evil This Man Is?

This is a man who routinely abused his authority to violate human rights, civil rights & civil liberties. He defied a court order to stop. That the president approves of his actions, including the defiance of the federal courts, should scare the hell out of you no matter what your politics.

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Total Solar Eclipse 2017 (Gallery)

Expanded on K2R

The Orange County Archives have just posted a zillion photos of Tustin from the…

Laguna Rd., looking toward Newport Ave, Tustin, 1964

The Orange County Archives have just posted a zillion photos of Tustin from the 1960s. It's weird how it looks so familiar in terms of the *types* of buildings and trees and streets, but in so many of the photos, the only familiar landmarks are the hills in the distance. (This is one of the few where I could recognize anything.) The city changed a lot between the 60s and 80s!

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