Is this Orange County, CA, or Orange County, FL? Bright sunshine, 90 degrees…and rain. in July.
Category: Facebook
Want to see what LA traffic looks like on a typical Friday evening? You…
Want to see what LA traffic looks like on a typical Friday evening? You can. A co-worker just pointed out that you can view statistical traffic on Google Maps in addition to live traffic. Enable Traffic, then look at the map key and hit “change,” and you can choose the day of the week and time.
If I’d known there would be psychic cephalopods involved…
If I'd known there would be psychic cephalopods involved, I would have paid a little more attention to the World Cup. It sounds like a great topic for a SyFy Original Movie.
Update: there is in fact a 2012 film, though it’s a documentary.
I find it amusing that there’s a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
I find it amusing that there's a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
I find it amusing that when they updated the article, they made sure to
I find it amusing that when they updated the article, they made sure to add “Felt in Los Angeles!” to the headline.
That was a surprisingly long earthquake. When it started, it was mild enough that I…
That was a surprisingly long earthquake. When it started, it was mild enough that I thought it was just someone walking heavily across the office. (I wonder how many small quakes I don't notice because of that?) After ~20 seconds, the shaking got stronger…and it just kept going. 60 seconds? 90? USGS rates it at 5.4 near Anza-Borrego.
BBQ with the in-laws Friday night, Westercon on Saturday, fireworks at the beach on Sunday.
BBQ with the in-laws Friday night, Westercon on Saturday, fireworks at the beach on Sunday. Today I think I'm just going to hang out at home.
Stayed late to work on a project, which meant I was already in the office…
Stayed late to work on a project, which meant I was already in the office to deal with a catastrophic server problem. That's *mostly* done, but I'm keeping an eye on the last stage since it ran into some more problems about 5 minutes before I expected to leave.
I’ve always wondered how the name of Japan’s currency ended up meaning “craving” in English…
I’ve always wondered how the name of Japan’s currency ended up meaning “craving” in English. It turns out to be a coincidence, with the word most likely taken from Chinese yáhn or yin.
Just got back from seeing South Pacific & set the program down next to Westways
Just got back from seeing South Pacific & set the program down next to Westways magazine…with the headline, “Shall We Dance?” on the cover. Right composers, wrong show.
Lovely. A bunch of people refuse to vaccinate their kids, and what happens? Outbreak.
Lovely. A bunch of people refuse to vaccinate their kids, and what happens? Outbreak. Of whooping cough. Jerks.
Tip for when you ask someone for tech support: If they ask you a series…
Tip for when you ask someone for tech support: If they ask you a series of questions in response, there's probably a reason for each question. Please try to answer *all* of them, not just the ones you feel like answering.
Oh, great, the new Flickr/Facebook integration posts an update for *every single photo* you upload
Oh, great, the new Flickr/Facebook integration posts an update for *every single photo* you upload instead of sending out one notice for the whole batch. Sorry about the picspam.
Complete with video shot by a sea turtle!
Nikon camera lost at sea found 1000 miles away
Complete with video shot by a sea turtle!
Solar powered car looks like a shrubbery.
Solar Powered Shrub Car is Not Your “Garden Variety” EV
The things you find on Slashdot. This is like something out of a spy spoof. Or maybe The Tick.
I like open primaries in theory, but what CA just passed actually *reduces* choice on…
I like open primaries in theory, but what CA just passed actually *reduces* choice on the final ballot: only the top 2 from the primary. How long until the first election where both candidates are the same party?
Sightings line up perfectly with the Falcon 9 launch.
Oh, those Falcon UFOs
Yesterday, a lot of Australians reported seeing a bizarre UFO. Just before 6:00 a.m. local time, numerous reports came in about a spiral of light in the sky with a bright central spot. The light was actually spinning around, like a pinwheel!
Sightings line up perfectly with the Falcon 9 launch.
I hate misleading ad campaigns. CA Proposition 16 is NOT about “your right to vote.”
I hate misleading ad campaigns. CA Proposition 16 is NOT about “your right to vote.” It's about keeping local govermnents out of the electricity business.
First Falcon 9 rocket blasts off
By the time you get to 50% ABV, can you really call it beer?
Extreme beer – man’s favourite drink suddenly gets much stronger
By the time you get to 50% ABV, can you really call it beer?