Category: Facebook
Today’s WTF: There’s ONE CENT left on the balance for my student loan. Monday’s auto-payment…
Today’s WTF: There’s ONE CENT left on the balance for my student loan. Monday’s auto-payment should have finished it off, but I guess there was a rounding error when they calculated the amount. I *could* wait another month for the next auto-pay cycle, but I figured I’d just send them the $0.01 now.
Spam for essay-writing services really bugs me.
For some reason, spam for essay-writing services really bugs me. Maybe I’m just used to the usual porn/pills/etc. spam, or maybe it’s that they actively encourage the *target* to be dishonest, too.
Wanna bet you won’t hear many Republicans complaining about “activist judges” in this case?
Supreme Court overturns ban on direct corporate spending on elections
Wanna bet you won't hear many Republicans complaining about “activist judges” in this case?
As the second headline says, “If Your Password Is 123456, Just Make It HackMe.”
Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking – NYT
As the second headline says, “If Your Password Is 123456, Just Make It HackMe.”
I just checked the Vertical Horizon tour schedule to see if they’d added any…
I just checked the Vertical Horizon tour schedule to see if they’d added any shows in California. Well, the band hasn’t set anything up farther west than Utah, but the lead singer had a performance in California…at the Borders in Tustin. YESTERDAY.
It’s sad to get Christmas cards for someone who used to live at your address
It’s sad to get Christmas cards for someone who used to live at your address. We’ve gotten two this year, but none last year. Maybe last year’s were still forwarded, and the forwarding order expired.
Wow. Saturday tickets for Comic-Con International (San Diego) are 95% sold.
Wow. Saturday tickets for Comic-Con International (San Diego) are 95% sold. If you want to go Saturday but don’t have tickets yet, you’d better hurry!
Doing my part to confuse Goldstar. The last ticket I bought through them: Equivocation, a…
Doing my part to confuse Goldstar. The last ticket I bought through them: Equivocation, a serious policital thriller about Shakespeare and terrorism. This time: Xanadu, a musical comedy on roller skates based on an 80s movie.
Co-workers arguing over how the circuit breaker in the lunch room is set up. I…
Co-workers arguing over how the circuit breaker in the lunch room is set up. I asked the critical question: “Is it still out now?”…and turned the coffee pot on. C’mon, priorities, here!
APOD: Annapurna Star Trails
Muppets Voicestra…
Muppets Voicestra…
My internet connection is acting kind of flaky. Actually the connection is fine, but it…
My internet connection is acting kind of flaky. Actually the connection is fine, but it isn't talking to some content delivery network, so all the small-time websites load perfectly, but Facebook takes 20 minutes to load a 16×16 “share link” button, and I have yet to see more than the title on PayPal. *grumble*
Weird. I just read a comment where someone claimed that conservatives hate liberals for their…
Weird. I just read a comment where someone claimed that conservatives hate liberals for their “no reasonable person can disagree with me attitude.” In my experience, it's at least as likely to be the other way around.
WTF? 4-day passes have ACTUALLY SOLD OUT already! I was starting to think December…
WTF? 4-day passes have ACTUALLY SOLD OUT already! I was starting to think December maybe, but the first week of November? I'm glad we finally bought ours a few days ago!
Dark One’s Roast
A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was Rand, inspecting a military camp and learning that the Dark One’s touch had destroyed all the coffee. ALL the coffee. And I/Rand immediately decided, “That’s it! We’re ending this NOW! Last Battle, here we come!”
The internet can affect your brain! (In a good way.)
4-Day passes *with* preview night have sold out.
4-Day passes *with* preview night have sold out. Annoyingly, there’s no indication of how many 4-day passes *without* preview night are available, or what the percentage was, or anything at all to gauge whether the remaining memberships are likely to sell out next spring or next week.
How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! (Grr.)
How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! Won’t somebody please think of the children? (Grr.)