I currently have 4 Mastodon accounts…

I currently have 4 Mastodon accounts:
1 for book discussion @KelsonReads
1 for photography @kelsonv
2 general: this one & @KelsonV

I’ve decided I should pick one of the two general accounts, and in the interest of federation, I think I’ll go with the smaller instance (Wandering Shop) over Mastodon.Social.

QUESTION: If I mark this account as migrated, is that permanent? Or can I change it back (or to another account) if I change my mind later? Will I still be able to log in here?

After complaining about the ways people try to cram long form writing onto birdsite (giant …

After complaining about the ways people try to cram long form writing onto birdsite (giant threads & images of text remind me of the old tech support days when users pasted screen shots of errors into Word docs b/c it was the tool they knew) I realized I don’t see that so much on Mastodon.

I wonder if it’s the culture, just who I’m following, or if the 500-char limit gives people enough room that they don’t feel they’ve already writing a long chain, why not keep going?


On Mastodon.social

Other than specific roles (like a dedicated admin account), how do you balance them? Heck, …

Other than specific roles (like a dedicated admin account), how do you balance them? Heck, how do you label them?

I’ve got 4 masto accounts: 1 for “good” photos, 1 for book discussion. I keep changing my mind abt how to handle the other 2, what to post where, who to follow on which account & so on.

There’s value in separating social contexts, but there’s a practical limit too.

How many accounts do you balance? How do you keep track of them?

@natecull I think The Last Jedi pushes back against this. Poe fits the description a …

@natecull I think The Last Jedi pushes back against this. Poe fits the description a lot better than Luke does, and his whole arc is learning that it’s a problem. Finn’s a counter example. And I see Luke more as someone dealing with depression and trying to push everyone away than someone who equates being a jerk with heroism. And even then part of the point is that he has to push through it.

On Mastodon.social

I love how Windows 10 brings the uncertainty of “when is my device going …

I love how Windows 10 brings the uncertainty of “when is my device going to get the latest OS? *Is* it going to get the latest OS?” from Android to the desktop.

My Windows box is no longer listed as compatible, making me wonder whether I was going to have to jump through hoops, or if it was even going to be blocked. I couldn’t find much info in the subject. Finally I just forgot about it for 2 weeks, and it finally showed up.

There’s been a lot of talk positioning Mastodon as an alternative to Facebook. It’…

There’s been a lot of talk positioning Mastodon as an alternative to Facebook. It’s more an alternative to Twitter, but it isn’t quite that, either.

It’s an engine that powers multiple alternatives to Twitter, that talk to each other.

Most people are used to social networks as services: FB, birdsite, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. So they expect Mastodon to be one service, which can be confusing.

I wonder if emphasizing its nature as the engine for many services would make it easier to explain.

On Mastodon.social

I’ve been able to fix a couple of Samsung devices…

@kemonine Yeah, that’s not good.

I’ve been able to fix a couple of Samsung devices that did that by replacing the batteries. I’m not a big fan of prying open non-user-serviceable cases, but I’m starting to get used to it. 😃

I imagine the 6P is similar to the 5X, which I had until it just flat out died and wouldn’t start up. I considered replacing the battery on that, but it was already >2 years old, and it wouldn’t start up even with external power in & the battery disconnected.

How Los Angeles Could Source its Water Locally

Interesting article on ways Los Angeles can source more of its water locally in the future.

Stormwater capture is a big one. In the early 20th century, the area built a flood control system to deal with the massive deluges that hit every decade or so, but during off years (and especially during drought years) it only serves to flush water out to sea that we’d be better off using to replenish reservoirs or ground water.

How Los Angeles Could Source its Water Locally

A new report challenges the city to think bigger about its plans to source more water locally.

On Mastodon.social

note: combine with third 1000-year-storm when importing.

This is pretty cool: Firefox has a new extension that isolates your Facebook session…

This is pretty cool: Firefox has a new extension that isolates your Facebook session from the rest of your browsing. That way Facebook isn’t able to track you as you visit every website that happens to have a Like button or embedded FB comments.

Facebook Container Extension

Facebook still knows what you do *on* FB, but this cuts down on their ability to track you elsewhere.