Birds of Madrona Marsh

#Birds of #MadronaMarsh. There were a zillion red-winged blackbirds, at least one group of goldfinches, some starlings, and of course the usual geese and ducks.

#nature #Blackbird #RedWingedBlackbird #Goldfinch #Starling #Goose #CanadaCoose #Sparrow

I saw one of these birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it.

Close-up of a small light brown bird with black wings, a white head with black stripes on it, and a yellow beak, perched in a sparse, dry bush.

I saw one of these #birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it. I took another, slow, careful step. Another #sparrow flew out of the bush, across the path, and into the tree. I stopped again.

This went on for about FIVE MORE ROUNDS before a couple of them flew into another bush and stopped where I could SEE them!

Then one of them flew off while I was aiming. 🤦

#nature #persistence #WhiteCrownedSparrow

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There’s a former railroad route to the coast that’s been converted into a greenbelt and walking path lined with trees. Some parts (not these) specifically focus on native California plants. Others open into grassy parks.

There's a former railroad route to the coast that's been converted into a greenbelt and walking path lined with trees. Some parts (not these) specifically focus on native California plants. Others open into grassy parks.

There's a former railroad route to the coast that's been converted into a greenbelt and walking path lined with trees. Some parts (not these) specifically focus on native California plants. Others open into grassy parks.

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