Kid was in an angry mood all day. We started watching the first episode of …

Kid was in an angry mood all day. We started watching the first episode of She-Hulk, which he emphatically did NOT want to watch.

2 minutes in, he walked into the room and proceeded to watch the whole thing, laughing hysterically at the jokes and slapstick.

And he was in a great mood afterward.

That’s…a little more meta than I was expecting.


#Gemini question: about a year ago I settled on LaGrange and Amfora as my main …

#Gemini question: about a year ago I settled on LaGrange and Amfora as my main Gemini clients after trying out a bunch of what was around at the time. And then I kind of stopped paying attention.

Now I’m curious: have any particularly interesting client applications come out of Geminispace since then?


COVID, death (last year, but really f’d up)

I just found out that someone I went to high school with lost both her brother and father to COVID last fall because her cousin convinced them not to go to the hospital and only take quack remedies for things that definitely weren’t COVID, all while she and her brother’s friend tried unsuccessfully to get them to seek *real* medical treatment.


We already have one of those.

Read an op-ed about how we need a new party that’s in between the right-wing extremism that is now mainstream in the GOP and the left-wing extremism that exists, if at all, on the fringes of the Democratic Party.

We already have one of those. It’s called the Democratic Party.


To mix some metaphors, we have a tiny left wing, an oversized right wing, and a center that the right wing likes to think is on the left.

No wonder we keep going in circles.

It’s this article about a “Forward party”

Interesting idea: Use electric schoolbuses as grid storage. Charge them overnight, use them in the …

Interesting idea: Use electric schoolbuses as grid storage. Charge them overnight, use them in the morning, top off for the afternoon run, and then send power back to the grid during the late afternoon and early evening — the peak hours when usage is highest and solar is dropping off for the day.

