And this is why I’m finally replacing Chrome with Vivaldi as my backup mobile …

And this is why I’m finally replacing Chrome with Vivaldi as my backup mobile browser. (Currently using Firefox as primary on both desktop & mobile, already using Vivaldi as secondary on desktop, which is why I started there for the mobile replacement.)

#privacy #google #vivaldi #chrome #GoogleTopics #adware #tracking #SurveillanceCapitalism


How do you buy random electronics gadgets these days?

How do you buy random electronics gadgets these days?

There’s got to be something *useful* between “I know the brand I’m looking for and a store I can buy it from” and “Um…there are 523 virtually identical items on Amazon, each with a different randomly-generated 6-letter ‘brand’ name and 50000 reviews that may or may not be from real people or for this actual product.”


Sorta thinking if it’s going to be junk anyway it doesn’t matter which one, but also thinking that’s the whole business model and I’d rather not support it.


Interesting article from a local botanical garden where I like to go hiking (and taking …

Interesting article from a local botanical garden where I like to go hiking (and taking photos!) about how they're adapting planting strategies to the changes in climate.

How the Garden Is Adapting to Our Wild Weather Changes – and How You Can Too

#nature #gardening #climatechange #scbg


Please help #comics #writer and #artist William Messner-Loebs and his wife stay in their home. …

Please help #comics #writer and #artist William Messner-Loebs and his wife stay in their home. Illness and injuries have left them in dire financial straits, and they're facing eviction.

His run on #TheFlash is one of my favorites. The character work on #WallyWest from when he started to when he finished was amazing, and he made me think about a lot of social issues as a teenager that I might not have encountered until later.


I’ve been debating whether to keep the Twitter Cards metadata on my site now …

I’ve been debating whether to keep the Twitter Cards metadata on my site now that I’m not using Twitter anymore.

This makes the decision a bit easier: If Twitter isn’t going to use it anyway, why bother worrying about required fields that don’t even apply anymore.

Twitter to hide news headlines as Musk asks journalists to publish directly on the platform


I still want to see if I can get merged with the OpenGraph, Microformats2 and plain HTML elements instead of having a separate chunk of JSON in the header.


Outer Whats?

Review of The Outer Worlds (so far) ★★★★★

Immersive space RPG that at once satirizes corporate control while asking you to make hard choices within it.


Not to be confused with Outer Wilds (also ★★★★★), which is a fascinating game of discovery in a finely-crafted, tiny solar system trapped in a time loop.


uspolPolitically speaking, I don't care about whether Hunter Biden is corrupt or not. I …


Politically speaking, I don't care about whether Hunter Biden is corrupt or not. I care whether Joe Biden is corrupt or not. Hunter isn't (and wasn't) the one in office. Or even in the administration.

Prosecute Hunter for his own crimes, sure, but you don't need a congressional investigation.

That's just the GOP trying to establish guilt by association because they don't have anything on their actual target, and it's JUST. SO. TEDIOUS.


TIL that the last version of NCSA Mosaic, with juuuust a few modifications, is available …

TIL that the last version of NCSA Mosaic, with juuuust a few modifications, is available as a Flatpak, 1996-era UI widgets and all.

The Github project also has directions on building on Arch and Ubuntu.

Unfortunately, modern TLS and SNI aren't supported, so #Mosaic can't connect to a lot of websites, but it's still a fun look back at a piece of #WebHistory !


Interesting point: the two biggest markers of the anthropocene era in geology would be radioactive …

Interesting point: the two biggest markers of the anthropocene era in geology would be radioactive isotopes from nuclear weapons and microplastics from mass production and consumerism…both of which are major aspects of the modern world that really got going after World War II…and are handily represented by Barbie and Oppenheimer.
