9YO is in a small-group breakout school video session with 2 classmates who have the …

9YO is in a small-group breakout school video session with 2 classmates who have the same first name, and all 3 of them have the same first initial. It’s a little confusing

On Wandering.shop

OMG, I just realized that the other two kids with the same first name have the same *last* initial as each other.

On Wandering.shop

germs, covid-adjacent

As it’s become clear that surfaces are so much less of an issue for covid-19 than droplets, I’ve been trying to go back to being less paranoid about touching crosswalk buttons when I’m out walking.

But today I saw someone reach out her leg as she approached the corner and press the button with the *bottom of her shoe*.

I mean, yay flexibility, but now the paranoia is justified for *non*-covid reasons

On Wandering.shop

Neighbor is practicing harmony for the “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me” section …

Neighbor is practicing harmony for the “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me” section of Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano and it almost sounds… cheerful.

On Wandering.shop

The way they’re playing it reminds me a bit of Tori Amos’ “Sleeps With Butterflies”

On Wandering.shop

Which is more wistful than cheerful, but still…

On Wandering.shop

This is not my terminal window. My terminal window was at a command prompt, not …

This is not my terminal window. My terminal window was at a command prompt, not running tail -f.

This is not my terminal window. My terminal window was local to my machine, not a remote SSH session.

This is not my terminal window. My terminal window was five levels deep in the project I’m working on, not in my home directory.

My desktop is covered with terminal windows, and none of them is mine!

On Wandering.shop


I don’t mind that IFTTT is introducing a Pro subscription for additional capabilities, and if there was something I wanted to do with those features, I’d go for it. But what I use it for isn’t worth $10/month.

I don’t mind paying for stuff… But price points matter, and IFTTT is following the typical (and annoying) pattern for formerly-free services where they squash the free tier down hard and aim the lowest paid tier at people who are going to use a lot more of it than I am.

%&^% Microsoft app store

As if I didn’t already have enough reason to distrust the MS app store, it spontaneously uninstalled the kid’s copy of Minecraft. Which also deleted all of his local worlds.

Fortunately most of the persistent worlds he plays are either on Java Edition or on a realm, and we had a backup of the local Win10 worlds from a couple weeks ago, but WTF, MS – you don’t fucking DO that!

Best guess is it downloaded the latest update overnight, failed to install, and messed up the rollback.

When we were trying out the Minecraft beta a few weeks ago, we noticed there’s this weird thing where the MS store thinks he doesn’t own a copy of MC until you click on “Buy” at which point it realizes he does and starts downloading it. It could be a problem with that.

Or it could be a mismatch with Xbox Game Pass, which we just got.

Either way, though…

WTF…. apparently an interrupted update from the MS store translates to an uninstall



wait, that’s in the xbox forum…not clear whether that applies to microsoft store apps on windows 10 too, but given the ridiculous folder structures, I’d guess it’s probably the same thing under the hood.

Thread start on Wandering.shop