covid-adjacent, hiking trail rules

Reading up on the status of various hiking trails in the area. Specifics vary depending on whether they’re run by city, county, state, or private orgs. Some places are choosing to only open some of their trails, or limit parking, or make some trails one-way, or require reservations.

They all agree on the basics, though:
– 6 foot distance
– face coverings
– no big groups


Me (describing a Java library): it’s like a plate of spaghetti – or rather a stack of plates…

Me (describing a Java library): it’s like a plate of spaghetti

or rather a stack of plates of spaghetti

with some of the noodles quantumly entangled

so that you pick up a noodle from one plate and it moves a noodle on another plate

Coworker: hahaha and pretty soon your eating a burrito!


Apple/Safari/accessibility gripes

Safari doesn’t let you tab to radio buttons or checkboxes…because of an OS setting!?!?

WHY would this be a default?

For that matter, why selectively turn off tabbing to them at all?

They’ve finally changed it in Catalina (which I don’t have on my work system), but it’s apparently been a thing since at least the early 2000s.

It’s a perfect example of an “unbreak my app” setting.

Probably some ancient UI guideline from 1986 when the idea that someone might want to use the keyboard for something in the UI would garner a “why don’t you just use DOS, loser?” reaction

Thread start on

I’ve found that I prefer dark mode on small screens and light mode on big screens

I’ve found that I prefer dark mode on small screens and light mode on big screens. And I appreciate apps that are willing to just pick up the system setting for dark vs. light.

(Flashbacks to running Windows 95 with a slightly off-gray theme and seeing which apps hard-coded #cccccc for parts of their UI.)


Detangling object-oriented code built on ever-more-specific classes extending ever-more-general classes with some methods overriding each …

Detangling object-oriented code built on ever-more-specific classes extending ever-more-general classes with some methods overriding each other and then calling the superclass methods so that a lot of the actual calls are done in those general classes in a library, leaving the methods in our code base looking like they aren’t actually used, and completely hiding the flow, and thinking…

Is this *actually* any better than GOTO was back in the day?


Had to get out because it was more important to get rid of the moth …

Had to get out because it was more important to get rid of the moth in the kitchen before it got into the flour than take photos of it, and the spider in the bathroom has gone into hiding, and the lawn’s been mowed within the last week (and most of what’s out there I posted a week ago for the City Challenge anyway), so other than the moth cocoon I found in the laundry room, I didn’t have much in the way of indoor “wildlife” to photograph.
