Frozen Fever: The queen of isolation…fails at self-isolation.
Category: Wandering.Shop
Did a mid-day trip to the grocery store. Managed to find almost everything I needed, or a reasonable substitute. Most food (except flour) seems to be either back in stock at a normal level or at the point where stock is low, rather than completely out.
The things I couldn’t find at all, or could only find a handful of one brand/variety, were mainly cleaning supplies — and flour, despite the bread aisle being full again.
This is sorta near Los Angeles. No idea what grocery stock is anywhere else. Or even in different parts of town.
I was really expecting it to be worse based on my last two grocery runs (2 weeks ago and 4 weeks ago) and the inventory I’ve found online.
They even had toilet paper. Yeah, it was only 2 sizes taking up about 1/4 of the usual shelf space and a limit of 1 per customer, but it didn’t look like they were going to run out by the time I got to checkout.
A month ago the same store offered, I kid you not, 1 roll per customer for 99 cents while supplies lasted.
Right, not git siff, git diff.Though at least Sif would be able to cut …
Right, not git siff, git diff.
Though at least Sif would be able to cut through all the problems.
Ugh, broke mysql on my dev box when upgrading homebrew nginx, made the mistake of …
Ugh, broke mysql on my dev box when upgrading homebrew nginx, made the mistake of just installing mysql again, which upgraded it, but broke the databases, and finally ended up just uninstalling mysql completely and reinstalling it. Now Mysql runs again. No data, but that’s ok, I can rebuild/restore the test DBs anyway.
Also, the 9YO has decided he wants to add sound effects when I toot. đ¤ˇââī¸
Also, the 9YO has decided he wants to add sound effects when I toot. đ¤ˇââī¸
“We have more hot chocolate mix, right?”And that’s how we found the can of …
“We have more hot chocolate mix, right?”
And that’s how we found the can of nice hot chocolate mix that expired in 2005, two apartments ago.
old joke
Heard a delivery scanner beep outside. Muttered, “Candygram.”
Gotta love being assigned a bug in a different branch than I’ve been working on …
Gotta love being assigned a bug in a different branch than I’ve been working on right before the bug tracker goes down.
covid/interesting tech
Robot Vehicles Make Contactless Deliveries Amid Coronavirus Quarantine
Chinese startup UDI deploys self-driving vans to deliver food to lockdown areas
Misread a “Telehealth Consent Form” as a “Telepath Consent Form.”
Misread a “Telehealth Consent Form” as a “Telepath Consent Form.”
covid impact on internet traffic
Interesting report on changes in internet traffic over the last month. Some things are obvious, like the huge increase in streaming video and videoconferencing. Some are less so, like the shift from phones back to desktops (if you’re at home anyway, might as well use the larger screen and keyboard) & increased interest in local(ish) news sites. via
He’s still at it?!?
He’s still at it?!?
Someone pulled thread necromancy on an old (like 2011) blog post about The Flash with …
Someone pulled thread necromancy on an old (like 2011) blog post about The Flash with lots of comments. On, topic, thoughtful, respectful of disagreements.
OK, posting approved!
20 minutes later: Tearing through more old posts from years ago and posting things like “Nah bro” and “Yeah you wish” and such.
Nope, sorry, you go back in moderation jail.
A tiger in the Bronx zoo has tested positive for covid-19
Which makes me wonder about what other animals can catch it.
Which, with my brain in the weird state its in these days, jumped straight to “You infected an *octopus* with Kellis-Amberlee???????”
Interesting point about toilet paper shortages: toilet paper sold for home use and toilet paper sold for businesses isn’t made or packaged the same way…and all those people who used to be spending some of their trips to the bathroom at work, at a restaurant, wherever, are doing all of them at home. Which means yes, we actually are using more home-grade TP (and less commercial-grade).
Neighbor kids are singing Into the Unknown at the top of their lungs
Neighbor kids are singing Into the Unknown at the top of their lungs. They don’t have Idina Menzel’s range either, but at least it’s a change from 4 months of Bohemian Rhapsody with the occasion break for We are the Champions.
Oh wait, they just switched over to We Are the Chanpions.
The piano player had gotten a lot better with practice. The singer hasn’t âšī¸
DC comics is having a “Darkest Timeline” sale on ComiXology, with all of its alternate-timeline …
DC comics is having a “Darkest Timeline” sale on ComiXology, with all of its alternate-timeline and awful-future stories like Flashpoint, Metal, Injustice, etc. Even Scooby Apocalypse.
Not sure if it’s tone-deaf or perfectly on-brand.
In this time of minimizing grocery store trips, it’s even more annoying than usual to realize that yes, you really should have picked up that thing that you looked at and decided not to pick up.
Discovered I’d mistyped March 37. Thought, that sounds about right.
Discovered I’d mistyped March 37. Thought, that sounds about right.
Still sorta kicking myself for not mailing my passport renewal as soon as I got over the flu (it’s been on my desk since literally the day the flu hit me), but it’s not like I’m going to be traveling internationally for a while anyway.
At least I got my driver’s license renewed before all this hit.
US stops processing passports except for emergencies
They’ve postponed the RealId deadline to October 2021, so that’s something at least.
Funny thing is I would’ve sent my passport renewal in sooner if I hadn’t been waiting for my driver’s license to show up first.