complaining about website UI

Overall I’m not impressed with Instacart’s shopping interface. It’s slow and clunky, its knowledge of in-store stock is limited, and the search is terrible.

But I could actually *place* an order, which is more than I can say for Ralph’s’ site, which insisted that I pick a delivery date from an an empty dropdown when I tried to check out.

I swear, back in the 2000s you could set up a samba server once and …

I swear, back in the 2000s you could set up a samba server once and actually share more or less seamlessly cross-platform among Windows, Mac and Linux on your LAN. But now, every time I want to move a file to or from the Windows box, I need to jump through an entirely new set of hoops. So fucking tired of this.


Found a note from one of the neighbor kids for the 9YO, written in chalk

Went out for a walk this morning. Found a note from one of the neighbor kids for the 9YO, written in chalk on the sidewalk in front of the house: “Hi ___! From ___”

Saw several more as I walked around the block. Apparently he wanted to say hi to all the kids he knows.



So, California has issued a statewide stay-at-home-unless-absofuckinglutely-necessary order.

The 9YO is already climbing the walls.

And I’m still recovering from the damn flu, so I’ve basically missed the window for any trips outside except for groceries (and maybe a chest xray if this very non-covid-like cough doesn’t clear up)


LA County order earlier today specifically said neighborhood walks were OK as long as you kept your distance. The statewide one doesn’t.


Expanded on K2R

Switching from a wireless keyboard to a wired one for my WFH setup has made …

Switching from a wireless keyboard to a wired one for my WFH setup has made a huge difference.

I can get used to the windows/mac key labels being wrong. But the fact that it kept dropping/duplicating letters & cutting out entirely from time to time was seriously annoying.

I mean, yeah, I get it, it was a whole foot from the transmitter, who would expect it to be stable at that distance, right? 🙄



Starting to look like the flu left me with bronchitis as a parting gift. So now I’m trying to figure out whether it’s going to need anything more than fluids and rest. Advice nurse said to see a doctor. Doctor’s office needs an RN to call me back to go over the symptoms again because cough + fever…and they’re swamped, so I might not hear back until almost 4

I couldn’t have gotten this crap two weeks earlier?
