And for some reason it feels like it would be really stupid to get non-covid pneumonia during the covid outbreak. WTF, brain?
Category: Wandering.Shop
speaking of flu update
All the aches and chills and fatigue and have subsided, the fever’s retreated so that it’s only part of the day and only within a degree of normal…but I’ve developed an intermittently nasty cough. Hoping it’s just cleaning up after the flu and not a secondary infection, because I really don’t need that right now. I’m safer *not* going into a doctor’s office if I can avoid it.
Not that I wouldn’t be WFH today anyway, but my original plan was to go …
Not that I wouldn’t be WFH today anyway, but my original plan was to go in briefly once I was finally over the damn flu & pick up some equipment for my WFH setup that’s better than just plopping the laptop at the kitchen table. Fortunately I’ve got enough spare peripherals that I’ve got something that’ll work better long-term.
Just realized that the work email I’m writing with the title “flu update/wfh” actually says …
Just realized that the work email I’m writing with the title “flu update/wfh” actually says “flu update/wtf”
Glad I caught that before hitting send!
Preoccupied so much with tracking my fever (and hoping it’ll finally *stay* down) that I glanced at the clock, saw 1001 and thought, “Dammit!”
Exploring Nature When You’re Stuck at Home (via iNaturalist):
Exploring Nature When You’re Stuck at Home (via iNaturalist):
So apparently I have enough energy to feel anxiety again. Which is…good? I guess? 😬
Accidentally typed “git stash poop”NO! DON’T STASH IT!
Suddenly worried that I might have left a banana in my desk drawer last Friday …
Suddenly worried that I might have left a banana in my desk drawer last Friday afternoon before coming down with the flu 😬
Oh, FFS, Adobe, you shouldn’t need to verify my ID to let me run acrobat reader.
Oh, FFS, Adobe, you shouldn’t need to verify my ID to let me run acrobat reader.
This year I had to renew my driver’s license in person. I’m so glad I …
This year I had to renew my driver’s license in person. I’m so glad I took care of it last month!
covid19/silly, probably been done before
So who declared Covid-19 a pandemic?
That’s what I’m asking you! Who?
And here’s Duolingo, trying to cheer people up.
Figured I’d post a note on my Pokemon Go status the only way I can: …
Figured I’d post a note on my Pokemon Go status the only way I can: with the buddy system.
How to keep DST from messing up your sleep schedule
Get sick over the time change and let that mess up your sleep schedule even more
I am freaking exhausted
Bionic eye implant that can restore partial vision for patients with retinal neurodegenerative diseases. As …
Bionic eye implant that can restore partial vision for patients with retinal neurodegenerative diseases. As long as the optic nerve remains undamaged, an electrode array is hooked up to the retina’s neurons and receives data from an eyeglass-mounted camera. It’s not a high-res image, but seeing outlines and boundaries makes a big difference.
When I said I figured it was a matter of time, I didn’t think it would be the next day:
That said, my symptoms are pointing to probably the flu. Fever peaked at 101 last night & has been fluctuating all day. Mostly chills, aches & fatigue otherwise.
Still staying home.
Omg. This AI Weirdness from @janellecshane is even more hilarious than usual! AI trained on …
Omg. This AI Weirdness from @janellecshane is even more hilarious than usual! AI trained on already-bizarre vintage American recipes.
I’ve developed a 100.4-degree fever this evening. More likely to be a cold or flu than covid19 at this point (AFAIK there’ve been no signs of community spread in the Los Angeles area yet, though I’m sure it’s only a matter of time) – but definitely going to be staying home for a while. And calling a doctor if the fever persists.
Me: (picking up something I couldn’t identify) I wonder what this is.9YO: (in another …
Me: (picking up something I couldn’t identify) I wonder what this is.
9YO: (in another part of the room, vaguely sing-song-y) Tape, tape.
Me: No, I don’t think so.
9YO: Tape, tape.
Me: Oh, you’re *looking* for tape. (gets up to help look, then looks over at what he’s doing.)
9YO: Tape, tape.
Me: Oh, I see, you’re attaching electrodes to Pikachu.