Love this headline: “Sea lions take joy ride on borrowed boat near Olympia”
(video in article)
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
Love this headline: “Sea lions take joy ride on borrowed boat near Olympia”
(video in article)
Ok, I know “self-driving data centers” are talking about automatically spinning up/down resources and doing its own maintenance…
But I can’t help imagine an autonomous van packed with servers and Wi-Fi, driving itself around town like an automatic ice cream truck
Whoa, 20km of walking for ONE Meltan candy? How the hell does anyone HAVE a Melmetal????
Interesting: Machine learning was used to determine who Shakespeare collaborated with on Henry VIII – and which scenes were written by which playwright.
Analysis supports John Fletcher, long suspected to have contributed to the play, over other authors who have also been suggested.
Holy crap, Frozen II is actually really good! It stays true to the characters and deepens their story. And I can’t believe the themes made it through all the layers of corporate Disney!
Nothing like the relief when you write an Apache redirect rule and it works right the first time.
Oh crap, now I need to do the same for nginx
Aaand done.
Here’s an interesting idea: using sand or gravel and mountains for long-term energy storage. When there’s a surplus of solar/wind/whatever-generated electricity, use the extra to lift buckets of sand up a mountain and drop them in a storage basin (similar to pumping water uphill to fill the area behind a hydroelectric dam), and when the grid is low on power, open a chute and let the sand turn a turbine.
I always find it interesting when a language reveals or clarifies connections between two others.
Like, it’s not obvious at first glance that cheese and queso are related, but if you also know Käse, they’re clearly all the same word.
Similarly, I could never see the connection between John & Ivan, until I realized that if you write Juan in all-caps ancient Roman chiseled stone style, it comes out as IVAN. (I know that’s not how it happened, but it makes the connection clearer.)
Hong Kong theater troupe performs outdoor Les Misérables production, audiences sing along in catharsis.
A baby white rhino born in the San Diego Zoo Safari Park has been named Future, for what she means to conservation efforts.
After a few rainstorms, her new favorite thing is mud.
#animals #rhino
Watched the episode where Rosso becomes Bloodwork. His moment of transformation: He realizes that the blood supply he’s using lacks epinephrine, so he needs to get it from scared people, which means he has to kill them, and he’s willing to do that to stay alive.
He’s a doctor. He can buy epinephrine by the gallon if he wants, cheaply. (Most of the cost of epinephrine auto-injectors is the device. And greed.)
Story done.
My suspension of disbelief works a lot better with wild and crazy tech/magic/”science” like dark matter, super-speed, multiverse teleportation and so on than with something that they try to make “realistic” but completely miss.
Fellow web devs, remember, not everyone has gigabit internet with low latency and fast processors.
4,000- year old Babylonian tablets turn out to be recipes for stew. And apparently they’re pretty good
An interesting article on the floating farms of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City).
Here’s a weird one:
“Ship’s captains and outside monitoring firms have reported waves of GPS jamming around Shanghai’s ports, on a scale and of a severity never seen before”
“The most likely culprit in the mystery is sand smugglers, who are part of a global network of sand-thieves who have literally cratered whole cities and islands in their drive to obtain sand for concrete. “
Sand thieves believed to be behind epidemic of Chinese GPS jamming
#weird #gps #sand
Just realized I hit my two-year Mastodon anniversary last week!
(I’ve really been on here two years?)
Me 10 minutes ago: I have an umbrella! I can totally handle walking to lunch in the rain!
I hadn’t considered the utter shortfall of drainage along this street. I narrowly missed getting completely drenched with muddy gutter water by a full sized truck at this spot.