In the past 5 minutes, the progress bar on FileVault has shown 9 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 7 hours, and “More than one day remaining.”
Because macOS isn’t willing to say, “I have no idea, it’ll be done when it finishes.”
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
In the past 5 minutes, the progress bar on FileVault has shown 9 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 7 hours, and “More than one day remaining.”
Because macOS isn’t willing to say, “I have no idea, it’ll be done when it finishes.”
Ambiguous typo: Thuesday.
@WelshPixie As long as the truck doesn’t get *too* tired…
(I saw this about 10 years ago, during a traffic jam, so it was actually possible to take the photo. Source: )
“The Vortex is a user-behavior pattern that begins with a single intentional interaction followed by a series of unplanned interactions. This unplanned chain of interactions creates a sense of being “pulled” deeper into the digital space, making the user feel out of control.”
@KelsonV So I can boost a Pixelfed photo on Mastodon, but I can’t find it in hashtag searches. Let’s try replying!
Also, if I add one of the hashtags to the reply, like #halloween, will it start show up in searches on Mastodon?
Surprisingly simple #brain #cupcakes suitable for #Halloween or any sort of #zombie event. The hardest part is actually getting the icing the right color.
On PixelFed.Social
Shared on Wandering.Shop
Argh! I remember when setting up file sharing between a Linux computer, a Windows computer, and a Mac computer all *worked*!
I finally gave up and used scp.
Wow: Fraudsters bought up a bunch of apps that use in-app advertising, tracked user behavior, then used bots to mimic that behavior to generate fake traffic to the ad network that looks like real users’ activity, making it hard to screen out the fraud & allowing them to collect ad revenue. :blob_dizzy_face:
Given the amount of energy this stuff uses, I’m not convinced.
“Add Climate Change to the List of Things Blockchain Is Supposed to Solve” 🙄
…and of course today a flyer came in plugging one of the 12 propositions on the ballot.
Normally by this point in an election cycle we’re inundated with mailings for every major candidate, several recommended slates from various groups, and half the ballot propositions.
This time? A bunch of mailings from *one* state legislator.
And nothing else.
We’re both still registered, and we got the voter guide & both sample ballots.
Maybe they figure anyone voting in the midterm has already made up their minds? Or they’re focusing online or on TV?
Got an email promoting something on “PCH Blvd.” PCH is short for Pacific Coast Highway. Which would make it Pacific Coast Highway Boulevard.
The footer says it was sent from New York, so I guess that’s at least sort of understandable…
@kemonine I’m still fond of this comic strip: World’s Most Elusive Human Being
@DialMforMara Better than the CW app. I was watching a show on it last night, and at one point it put an ad about 30 seconds before the show’s commercial break.
Second full workday with reading glasses. I’d forgotten how much more pixelated the desktop monitors at home and work look compared to my mobile devices.
I know I don’t need it, but I’m tempted to look for a new monitor just to get better DPI now that it’s noticeable again!
Gotta do something with them, I suppose: a 5-meter dome made entirely out of bicycle wheels in Whitehorse, Yukon.
@bridgebury @auntiekiki @rhiannonrevolts I was at a Comic-Con panel once on which China Miéville described “mainstream” literature as a genre with a successful multi-decade campaign to convince people that it wasn’t a genre. I thought it was a good description.
Biosphere 2: A Once Troubled Social Experiment is Transformed
That means researchers from the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada don’t have to worry about harming the environment while studying how plants in the tiny rainforest adjust their water consumption.
The rain picked up again and has been going for about 2 hours! Not heavy, but continuing! 👍
And now I need to sleep..