The Food Allergy Walk was a success.

The Food Allergy Walk was a success. Our team raised over $1,300, and the event overall raised about $45,000 (and that’s only the online donations.) Plus we got to hang out with family.

At Marina Green Park in Long Beach

On Facebook

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

One Poignant Picture For Man, One Giant Hold Pattern For Mankind

Tho there were thousands of people, I somehow got this angle of the Space Shuttle, people free. What I love about the shot is that it truly symbolizes the mothballing of the Shuttle project. That the …

I went for a walk at lunch, and this was just sitting there taking up …

I went for a walk at lunch, and this was just sitting there taking up a zillion parking spaces. And no license plate to take down. Anyone recognize this vehicle?

And the spaces clearly say “compact.” On what planet is *that* a compact car?

Note: Wayne adds on Google+:

And how brazen! Emblazoning the USA logo on its side too! What’s that blue dot there…