The user-agent string for Opera 15 Next

The user-agent string for Opera 15 Next (the first preview of the new Webkit^H^H^H^H^H^HBlink-based browser) is 140 characters long. You can Tweet it, but there’s no room for even a 1-letter comment. (Note also the sheer number of engine/browser names that aren’t accurate, but are included for backward compatibility with browser sniffing websites).

“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.20 Safari/537.36 OPR/15.0.1147.18 (Edition Next)”

Comment from Brion:

UA sniffing has to end… it’s also soooooo easy to do lazy regexes that count Firefox 20 as Firefox 2, etc. 😛

I think the only still-required UA sniffing we’re doing for Wikipedia is trying to detect mobile devices… lots of weird entries for older devices, then simple checks for modern ones. Sigh.

Saying people shouldn’t complain about a problem without offering a solution is like saying only doctors should talk about being sick.

Saying people shouldn’t complain about a problem without offering a solution is like saying only doctors should talk about being sick. Identifying a problem and solving it are different (if overlapping) skill sets. That’s why software companies have QA departments, run beta tests, and accept bug reports.

The old-school Curso de Photoshop sounds a lot better now.

Adobe is moving to an all-subscription model for its creative software. That means to use Photoshop, you’re going to have to keep paying them again and again, month in, month out. The old-school Curso de Photoshop sounds a lot better now.

Spamusement! Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines! – Curso de Photoshop

Discussion from Google+:

Stacy: Wow. Just Wow. It’s hard enough for me to get $500 upgrades to the latest FrameMaker and Dreamweaver, let alone a new Illustrator license every three or four years. This pricing model is going to be hard on small-time users.

Me: I can only assume they don’t want small-time users anymore.

Stacy: Not smart to price yourself out of startups around here. You want to be the tool used from the beginning.

Just when you think the week’s news can’t get more surreal: “Ricin suspect hired by senator as Elvis impersonator”

Just when you think the week’s news can’t get any more surreal, you see a headline like “Ricin suspect hired by senator as Elvis impersonator”

Ricin suspect hired by senator as Elvis impersonator

WASHINGTON — A U.S. senator who was the intended recipient of a letter apparently laced with ricin said he had hired the suspected sender, an Elvis impersonator, to play at a wedding a decade ago.

Code Monkey and Skullcrusher team up to fight the robot overlords of Chiron Beta Prime…

Code Monkey and Skullcrusher team up to fight the robot overlords of Chiron Beta Prime…

INTERVIEW: Greg Pak and Jonathan Coulton Team Up on Kickstarter!

Kick up the Kick-Watcher! Today sees the launch of Code Monkey Save World, a new 60-page graphic novel from Greg Pak and Jonathan Coulton, to be brought to life by the artistic team of Takeshi Miyazaw…

I’m sure some people will like the idea of Facebook taking over their phones

I’m sure some people will like the idea of Facebook taking over their phones, but for me, Facebook is only one of many things I use my phone for, and nowhere near the primary one. It would be like remodeling the kitchen to make the blender the room’s focus.

Facebook Home: Zuck’s Android Takeover | Gadget Lab