We were out for the monthly #PokemonGo Community Day, and I spotted this #BlackPhoebe just as I spun a Team Rocket-occupied stop. Somehow I managed to get a decent photo of it while battling Team Rocket.
Category: iNaturalist
I saw several of these really tiny lizards skittering around. I don’t know if this is just how big they grow, or if they’re juveniles. I think they were only about three inches long including the tail.
Gulf Fritillary
Desert Cottontail (SCBG, in open)
Flame Skimmer
Western Bluebirds in Palm Tree
Western Gull
House Sparrow
Castor Bean
Fiery Skipper
I haven’t been keeping up with all the times I’ve seen these butterflies. Just sort of “oh, another fiery skipper.” And I’ve been skipping them. Anyway, here’s one of three I saw along the same stretch of Chalksticks along the sidewalk today.
I only saw two ducks today. Usually I see more here.
American Coot
I saw two or three coots right by the water.
Canada Goose
One of *many* geese hanging out on the lawn of the park
Snowy Egret
One of about a dozen egrets I saw when I got to the last remaining ponds at the marsh toward the end of summer.