Category: iNaturalist
Western Gull walking in the parking lot
Canada Goose walking through the grass
Western Gull in flight
Life finds a way
The rain has had a surprise effect on the wood chips blanketing one of the local playgrounds. Warned the hobbit away from these mushrooms.
The rain has had a surprise effect on the wood chips blanketing one of the local playgrounds. Warned the hobbit away from these mushrooms.
At least 100 squirrels
I must have seen at least 100 squirrels just walking down one block in Irvine. That’s the EDGE of the lot. There must be even more inside.
Observations uploaded to iNaturalist in 2019:
There were a *lot* of squirrels in the hedge and lawn between an empty lot and the street. I posted on Twitter at the time that I’d seen at least 100 along the edge of the block.