Sweet Fennel

Sweet Fennel

On iNaturalist

Wild plant at the top of the hill, ocean at the bottom. The fence marks the edge of Del Cerro Park and the start of a steep, unstable slope down to the Portuguese Bend area of the coast near Los Angeles. On a clear day, Catalina would be visible off to the left, but on this day, the ocean blended seamlessly into an obscuring haze.

– Instagram (2014)

A deserted Parisian street on a gloomy November day, years ago.

A deserted Parisian street on a gloomy November day, years ago. I stumbled on it again while looking for my photos of Notre Dame from the same trip, and I actually like this shot better than any of the ones I took of the cathedral. The lack of scaffolding probably helped!

Caption from Instagram
Photo on Photog.Social

Murals in progress on what used to be featureless gray walls

Murals in progress on what used to be the featureless gray walls of an apartment complex. The aviation theme on two of them is due to this being Aviation Blvd.

Composition brought to you by the angle I could take a photo out the car window before the light turned green. 😁

#mural #southbay

On Photog.Social

Update: I drove by it again, and this time stopped to look. There’s a signature: on the last section: Jacque Dupuy 2018, Mural Executed by LeviPonce.com

On Photog.Social

Kara Thrace, meet Kara Danvers!

Kara Thrace, meet Kara Danvers! Sadly, the coffee cup wasn’t from Starbucks, which would have been perfect… Full Wondercon gallery is going up at Flickr/KelsonV

Kara Thrace, meet Kara Danvers!

Sadly, the coffee cup wasn’t from Starbucks, which would have been perfect… Full Wondercon gallery is going up at Flickr/KelsonV

#cosplay #battlestargalactica #starbuck #supergirl #bsg #karathrace #karadanvers #WonderCon2018 #wondercon #wca2018

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