You’re Goin’ Down!


You’re Goin’ Down! by tubes. on Flickr.

Adobe is killing Flash for mobile devices. Looks like Steve Jobs won.

Edited to add: Of course, the real reason you won’t see Flash on a mobile phone is that he can run across the state and tap you on the shoulder before your phone starts ringing.

Note: Follow-up to this post. TODO: add follow-up comments to original

Odd realization: A year from now, I might not be buying any DC Comics.

Odd realization: A year from now, I might not be buying any DC Comics.  They’ve spent the last 5 years trying to kill my interest in The Flash, and they’re dangerously close to finishing the job.  And all the other “New 52” DC books that look interesting to me (none of them in the mainstream superhero categories, mind you) are on the conventional-wisdom “won’t last six months” list.