My current lunchtime reading. I just happened to set the book and the fork down while waiting to pay for lunch today.
Category: Twitter
For the third week in a row I’ve received a “One week only!” sale blurb for this software…for the same amount at the same retailers. Hmm…
For the third week in a row I’ve received a “One week only!” sale blurb for this software…for the same amount at the same retailers. Hmm…
Tip: If your online event requires users to download additional software, TELL THEM AHEAD OF TIME so they can install it early.
Tip: If your online event requires users to download additional software, TELL THEM AHEAD OF TIME so they can install it early.
Cool Android discovery: While offline I can share a link from Gmail to Pocket, archive the mail, & read later once I have network access.
Cool Android discovery: While offline I can share a link from Gmail to Pocket, archive the mail, & read later once I have network access.
Sunset clouds and contrail X
Sunset clouds and #contrail X
No, Outlook, I really did mean that Gmail was PROXYING image requests, not PARODYING them. Though that’s an interesting thought…
No, Outlook, I really did mean that Gmail was PROXYING image requests, not PARODYING them. Though that’s an interesting thought…
3-year-old’s initial reaction to seeing Windows 8: “Where are the buttons?”
3-year-old’s initial reaction to seeing Windows 8: “Where are the buttons?”
30″ Darth Vader. Fun for toddlers, and parents, too.
30″ Darth Vader. Fun for toddlers, and parents, too.
It’s been a while since I’ve used Pocket, but it may help make up for the lack of offline access in Feedly.
It’s been a while since I’ve used Pocket, but it may help make up for the lack of offline access in Feedly.
Using an easily-disproved false claim as the hook to make your point doesn’t bolster it. It makes me wonder what else you’ve lied about.
Using an easily-disproved false claim as the hook to make your point doesn’t bolster it. It makes me wonder what else you’ve lied about.
Cosette’s best Christmas present ever: Jean Valjean showing up and taking her away from the Thenardiers.
Cosette’s best Christmas present ever: Jean Valjean showing up and taking her away from the Thenardiers.
Would a French village in 1823 have had a Santa Claus? Thinking of the over-the-top movie version of Master of the House.
If “avoid highways” results in shorter trip times, those routes should be prioritized over the freeway routes to begin with.
If “avoid highways” results in shorter trip times, those routes should be prioritized over the freeway routes to begin with.
Great contrast: WordPress’ weekly photo challenge theme is “Grand.” FlickrFriday’s is “Noodles.” There’s got to be a way to combine them!
Great contrast: WordPress’ weekly photo challenge theme is “Grand.” FlickrFriday’s is “Noodles.” There’s got to be a way to combine them!
Ha! Phishing scam email claims fraud detected on my “4xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx VISA” HOW DID THEY KNOW???? :-D
Ha! Phishing scam email claims fraud detected on my “4xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx VISA” HOW DID THEY KNOW???? 😀
According to @badastronomer, it’s Mole Day. So at 6:02 on 10^23, have some chips with Avocado’s Number Guaca-mole
According to @badastronomer, it’s Mole Day. So at 6:02 on 10^23, have some chips with Avocado’s Number Guaca-mole
Wow. I got a Pinterest follow from someone who used to run a Les Mis fan newsletter I subscribed to back in the 1990s. #throwbackthursday
Wow. I got a Pinterest follow from someone who used to run a Les Mis fan newsletter I subscribed to back in the 1990s. #throwbackthursday
I always thought it would make more sense to paint with all the colors of the mountain and sing with all the voices of the wind.
I always thought it would make more sense to paint with all the colors of the mountain and sing with all the voices of the wind.
Riiiight “I don’t think we should keep trying the same thing over and over again, & think only a minority think that”
Riiiight “I don’t think we should keep trying the same thing over and over again, & think only a minority think that”
Wow. You really CAN get anything at Whole Foods.
Wow. You really CAN get anything at Whole Foods.
PC Load Letter?
PC Load Letter? #coffee #officespace #WTF