Gotta love blogging (or any) advice that boils down to “X doesn’t fit my use case, so no one else should use it, EVER!”
Category: Twitter
Nice one: changing the Creepy Guy narrative
Hey, this link on your page is broken. Would you mind replacing it with a link to my totally unrelated site?
Hey, this link on your page is broken. Would you mind replacing it with a link to my totally unrelated site?
Hey, sunlight! This might work out after all.
Hey, sunlight! This might work out after all.
These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other.
These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other. When not flowering, they look so similar that I didn’t realize they were two kinds of trees until they started blooming. #yellow #trees #prideofbolivia #jacaranda #spring #hadtolookitup
Remember when conservatives liked the Patriot Act even though civil liberties groups warned against its potential for abuse?
Remember when conservatives liked the Patriot Act even though civil liberties groups warned against its potential for abuse?
Funny: Linux vs. Windows, as reviewed by the author of DM of the Rings
Funny: Linux vs. Windows, as reviewed by the author of DM of the Rings
Gotta love how the systems on which security patches matter most are always the same ones that really need to avoid downtime.
Gotta love how the systems on which security patches matter most are always the same ones that really need to avoid downtime.
A comment that doesn’t contribute to the discussion and serves only to insert a link to the author’s site is spam, bot or human.
A comment that doesn’t contribute to the discussion and serves only to insert a link to the author’s site is spam, bot or human.
Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.
Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.
Hmm. It’s not just that one post getting spammed suddenly. It’s just that one post where the spams aren’t getting caught by Akismet.
This does tell me that spammers *are* targeting CommentLuv blogs, because until yesterday, I had 1 blog w/about 600 spams & another with 6.
WOW! Photographers answer the question: What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken? – Quora
WOW! Photographers answer the question: What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken? – Quora
“These days no one really remembers who got something right first. People do remember who got it wrong first.”
“These days no one really remembers who got something right first. People do remember who got it wrong first.”
The next time someone tells you email confirmation is too hard, consider: Every Facebook user confirmed their address
The next time someone tells you email confirmation is too hard, consider: Every Facebook user confirmed their address
Tweeting during a disaster: Mistakes for journalists to avoid.
Tweeting during a disaster: Mistakes for journalists to avoid
I just don’t understand contrail conspiracy theorists. They’re literally paranoid about *clouds*
I just don’t understand contrail conspiracy theorists. They’re literally paranoid about *clouds*
Another take: The PC isn’t dying. Sales are down because…well, the old PCs are still alive and kicking.
Another take: The PC isn’t dying. Sales are down because…well, the old PCs are still alive and kicking.
Gee, do you think that flashing, rotating sign for Distracted Driving Awareness might be a little counterproductive?
Gee, do you think that flashing, rotating sign for Distracted Driving Awareness might be a little counterproductive?
Cool video: Silly putty eats a magnet
Cool video: Silly putty eats a magnet. via @badastronomer
Just the right amount of haze reveals MORE depth on distant mountains. Too much: just silhouettes. Too little: ridges blend into texture.
Just the right amount of haze reveals MORE depth on distant mountains. Too much: just silhouettes. Too little: ridges blend into texture.
Another reason I still treat my blog as my primary online presence…
Another reason I still treat my blog as my primary online presence, not my Facebook, or Twitter, or Google +, etc.
Why Facebook, Twitter and Instagram put up roadblocks to each others’ content