Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

I guess it depends on the site. I wonder how long it’ll take for the spammers searching for “powered by commentluv” to drop off.

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other.

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other. When not flowering, they look so similar that I didn’t realize they were two kinds of trees until they started blooming. #yellow #trees #prideofbolivia #jacaranda #spring #hadtolookitup

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other. When not flowering, they look so similar that I didn’t realize they were two kinds of trees until they started blooming. #yellow #trees #prideofbolivia #jacaranda #spring #hadtolookitup

Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.

Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.

Hmm. It’s not just that one post getting spammed suddenly. It’s just that one post where the spams aren’t getting caught by Akismet.

This does tell me that spammers *are* targeting CommentLuv blogs, because until yesterday, I had 1 blog w/about 600 spams & another with 6.