Now I know: I can type faster on the phone with one hand than the keyboard. Maybe if I set the kid down now he’ll stay asleep…
Category: Twitter
Making sure the web browser remains a *user* agent and not a corporate agent.
Making sure the web browser remains a *user* agent and not a corporate agent.
UI tip: If you use a slider to set a number, also let people just type the number. They might want precision, or you might have compat probs
UI tip: If you use a slider to set a number, also let people just type the number. They might want precision, or you might have compat probs
Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.
Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.
For example: “President A skipped out on event B for the first time EVER!” even though presidents C,D, and E skipped it regularly…
Or “What is that light in the sky! OMG!” Um, it’s Venus, it’s been there all month…
The airplane contrail off of the Calif. coast that people mistook for a missile launch a couple of years back…
Every time there’s a major earthquake and suddenly people are watching+reporting every tiny quake so it looks like the frequency is going up
Or those Youtube videos where the narrator was sure something had been done to water because you NEVER saw rainbows in sprinklers before?
“Doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation?” “Absolutely.” “Wonderful, I never could before!”
Something about this picture just looks Flickry.
Something about this picture just looks Flickry.
Funny how we all know “Liberty, Equality & Fraternity” but not “…or Death.” #ReadingLesMis
Funny how we all know “Liberty, Equality & Fraternity” but not “…or Death.” #ReadingLesMis
Web Standards Project shutting down
Web Standards Project shutting down:
How we know the fireballs over Calif. & Cuba weren’t related to the Russian meteorite or the asteroid flyby. #SCIENCE
How we know the fireballs over Calif. & Cuba weren’t related to the Russian meteorite or the asteroid flyby. #SCIENCE
(For one thing, fireballs like that happen once a week somewhere.)
This undocumented escaped convict singlehandedly revitalizes the economy of the entire region. #ReadingLesMis
This undocumented escaped convict singlehandedly revitalizes the economy of the entire region.
What you call “politically correct,” I call making a basic effort to not be an asshole to people just because they’re not identical to you.
What you call “politically correct,” I call making a basic effort to not be an asshole to people just because they’re not identical to you.
Valjean went for a long walk, met himself, and realized he didn’t like himself much.
Valjean went for a long walk, met himself, and realized he didn’t like himself much. #ReadingLesMis #Babylon5
I’m really not sure FAP was the best choice of an acronym here.
I’m really not sure FAP was the best choice of an acronym here.
I saw a 1984 Los Angeles Olympics license plate this morning. It’s nice to know a few of those are still kicking around.
I saw a 1984 Los Angeles Olympics license plate this morning. It’s nice to know a few of those are still kicking around.
Wow. The road is actually smoother after being stripped for repaving than it was before. (Yes, it was bad. A coworker called it off-roading)
Wow. The road is actually smoother after being stripped for repaving than it was before. (Yes, it was bad. A coworker called it off-roading)
Indiana Jones would have known JRR Tolkien, at least professionally.
Here’s a thought: Indiana Jones would have known JRR Tolkien, at least professionally. #hobbit
Not sure what’s crazier: the line at Starbucks, or the fact that I walked to another Starbucks in less time than it would have taken.
Not sure what’s crazier: the line at Starbucks, or the fact that I walked to another Starbucks in less time than it would have taken to get through.
Realized it’s been over a decade since plain M&Ms were reformulated without peanut flour, but I still can’t bring myself to try them.
Realized it’s been over a decade since plain M&Ms were reformulated without peanut flour, but I still can’t bring myself to try them.
“You have a broken link to a respected source. Here, link to my site instead.” The link’s not broken. What, you thought I wouldn’t check?
“You have a broken link to a respected source. Here, link to my site instead.” The link’s not broken. What, you thought I wouldn’t check?
Surprised Linux LVM still makes you jump through hoops for the simple use case of expanding a FS into all open space.
Surprised Linux LVM still makes you jump through hoops for the simple use case of expanding a FS into all open space.
Ermahgerd! (IRL)
Ermahgerd! When memes crawl off the internet and into the real world.