“Stay thirsty” seems like a weird way to promote a beverage. I mean, people drink to *stop* being thirsty!
Category: Twitter
Oops! Oops!
My 2-year-old took one look at this giant #turkey at TJs, pointed and excitedly said “Oops! Oops!” in reference to Sandra Boynton’s “Blue Hat, Green Hat.” #thanksgiving
Fandom Isn’t Exclusive
I’ll never understand why a subculture so familiar with exclusion is so quick to turn around and exclude people. https://comicsbeat.com/enough-with-the-faux-fake-geek-girl-outrage-already/
EXACTLY. “We aren’t all nerdy about the same things & we don’t all participate in nerd culture the same way.” https://squidygirl.blogspot.com/2012/11/fake-nerd-girls-whores-and-sexism.html
Some people like Superman, others like the Hulk. People have their favorite interpretations of Batman. People have their favorite X-Men. If you like Grant Morrison’s Batman & someone else prefers Batman: The Animated Series, that doesn’t make the other person NOT a Batman fan. No more than you liking Data and them liking Spock makes them not a Star Trek fan, or them preferring the “wrong” Doctor. Someone who got into Doctor Who with Smith, Tennant or Eccleston is no less a fan than someone who got into it with, say, Tom Baker…
So if someone likes a comic book character, but hasn’t read the same 100 issues YOU have, that doesn’t make them not a fan.
Some people would rather express their fandom with costuming, or fanfic, or fan art, instead of throwing comics in a box. Again, still fans. Someone takes the time to collect enough Batman pics to post 3/day to Tumblr for a year, but doesn’t like the current books? Sounds fannish.
Fascinating precinct-by-precinct map of Los Angeles Presidential election results.
Fascinating precinct-by-precinct map of Los Angeles Presidential election results. https://graphics.latimes.com/how-la-voted-2012/
Oddest thing I saw today: a guy using a leaf blower during heavy winds. Got to keep the leaves away from the hotel entrance, I guess.
Oddest thing I saw today: a guy using a leaf blower during heavy winds. Got to keep the leaves away from the hotel entrance, I guess.
I figure Instagram’s square-pics-only format is like Twitter’s 140 character limit: a technical choice that has become part of its identity.
I figure Instagram’s square-pics-only format is like Twitter’s 140 character limit: a technical choice that has become part of its identity.
Instagram profiles mostly solve my biggest pet peeve: linking to a pic used to be a dead end.
Instagram profiles mostly solve my biggest pet peeve: linking to a pic used to be a dead end.
Disaster preparedness: How to keep electronics going without power.
Disaster preparedness: How to keep electronics going without power.
Wow. Empty New York train stations
Wow. Empty New York train stations via @PeerIndex
How long is long enough for laptop battery life? @pingdom looks into it.
How long is long enough for laptop battery life? @pingdom looks into it. https://www.pingdom.com/blog/laptop-battery-life/
Has anyone ever said, “Wow, this app has an option to tweet about the fact that I installed it! Awesome! I’m going do do that right now!”?
Has anyone ever said, “Wow, this app has an option to tweet about the fact that I installed it! Awesome! I’m going do do that right now!”?
Interesting: Phil Foglio drew some of the first art with UNIX daemons. Working on pipes, dripping into a bit bucket.
Interesting: Phil Foglio drew some of the first art with UNIX daemons. Working on pipes, dripping into a bit bucket.
Wow, serious amateur spammer. Forgets to use BCC *and* has a Geocities address on the list.
Wow, serious amateur spammer. Forgets to use BCC *and* has a Geocities address on the list.
Oh, good, smush.it is back. I can run most of the tools on Linux/Cygwin, but it’s convenient for one-off image optimizations.
Oh, good, smush.it is back. I can run most of the tools on Linux/Cygwin, but it’s convenient for one-off image optimizations.
Spam Trends: volume, topics, and phishing.
Spam Trends: volume, topics, and phishing. awe.sm/e5Z5u
Zoomable version of today’s GIANT #XKCD world via @dividuum
Zoomable version of today’s GIANT #XKCD world http://xkcd-map.rent-a-geek.de/ via @dividuum
“It’s a whole lot simpler to block bad mail than it is to try and convince senders to stop sending bad mail.”
“It’s a whole lot simpler to block bad mail than it is to try and convince senders to stop sending bad mail.”
— Just Block It, Word to the Wise
You know you’re a web developer when “href” is in your phone’s autocorrect dictionary.
You know you’re a web developer when “href” is in your phone’s autocorrect dictionary.
Yeah, I missed it too: Tunnel Vision and Selective Attention (Jakob Nielsen)
Yeah, I missed it too: Tunnel Vision and Selective Attention (Jakob Nielsen)
The Algorithmic Copyright Cops: Streaming Video’s Robotic Overlords
The Algorithmic Copyright Cops: Streaming Video’s Robotic Overlords https://www.wired.com/2012/09/streaming-videos-robotic-overlords-algorithmic-copyright-cops/