A List Apart: Learning to Love the Boring Bits of CSS https://alistapart.com/article/love-the-boring-bits-of-css/
Category: Twitter
Gotta love Linux naming, um, conventions. Fedora is updating “cheese” and “cheese-libs.”
Gotta love Linux naming, um, conventions. Fedora is updating “cheese” and “cheese-libs.”
Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.
Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.
Bonus points for using the nonstandard phrase “denotify” instead of something more easily understood like “unsubscribe”
It’s almost like they’re TRYING to look like spam.
If you need a “disavow links” tool, maybe you’re reading too much into the existence of links.
If you need a “disavow links” tool, maybe you’re reading too much into the existence of links.
Unknown Caller is still trying to call me twice a day.
Unknown Caller is still trying to call me twice a day. But I guess it must not be that important, since they can’t be bothered to leave a message, and they went to the trouble of blocking Caller ID so that I can’t call them back.
Wayne comments: I’ve been getting regular calls from an 800 number that also doesn’t leave a message. Wonder if they’re related. ;p
Finally picked up the “Unknown” caller who’s been calling 2-3 times daily and not leaving a message. They hung up immediately. #WTF
Interesting perspective at HBR: I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why.
Interesting perspective at HBR: I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why.
Must read: How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and Corporate America’s Most Spectacular Decline
Must read: How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and Corporate America’s Most Spectacular Decline via @Slashdot
Revisiting the guidelines for serif vs. sans-serif screen text in the HD era:
Revisiting the guidelines for serif vs. sans-serif screen text in the HD era: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/serif-vs-sans-serif-fonts-hd-screens/
Um…there is no “Twilight Zone universe.”
Um…there is no “Twilight Zone universe.”
WB sets scribe to rewrite ‘Twilight Zone’
Unlike the 1983 feature that had four separate storylines, this pic will have one story that features elements from the “Twilight Zone” universe made popular by Rod Serling’s classic TV series.
Does anyone else see those signs saying, “Should the elevator doors fail to open…” and think, “No, they shouldn’t!”
Does anyone else see those signs saying, “Should the elevator doors fail to open…” and think, “No, they shouldn’t!”
When you try to imitate the experience of reading a print book online, you get something that falls short of both print & online experience.
When you try to imitate the experience of reading a print book online, you get something that falls short of both print & online experience.
Solar eclipse through filtered telescope, just past greatest coverage.
Eclipse just past greatest coverage. It’s still bright out, but noticeably dimmer than this time yesterday. Filtered scope. Best thing about coming up here it’s all the people with different viewing setups.
I love that this XKCD comic is the first search result for “file transfer”
I love that this XKCD comic is the first search result for “file transfer” #itstrue
There’s something weird about a car dealership plugging an Earth Day sale, even if the company is known for hybrids & electrics.
There’s something weird about a car dealership plugging an Earth Day sale, even if the company is known for hybrids & electrics.
Facebook buys Instagram. After the fuss certain iPhone users put up over Android users being allowed in the club, I wonder what they think.
Facebook buys Instagram. After the fuss certain iPhone users put up over Android users being allowed in the club, I wonder what they think.
Obfuscating acronyms…
Obfuscating acronyms: Santa Cruz Operation -> SCO. The SCO Group -> TSG. TMT (Too Many TLAs!)
Oh look, a website that still thinks disabling right-click accomplishes anything other than annoying people who use context menus & gestures
Oh look, a website that still thinks disabling right-click accomplishes anything other than annoying people who use context menus & gestures
“Those Poor Guys in Red”
I still like the classic “Those Poor Guys in Red” using “Another One Bites the Dust,” though.
Just leaving a TMBG concert. Walked past someone moving chairs.
Just leaving a TMBG concert. Walked past someone moving chairs.
Basic UI design: buttons that trigger slow actions (like brewing coffee) must cause IMMEDIATE feedback so the user knows it’s working.
Basic UI design: buttons that trigger slow actions (like brewing coffee) must cause IMMEDIATE feedback so the user knows it’s working.