Just enough breeze to sit outside in the shade with the work laptop.But I …

Just enough breeze to sit outside in the shade with the work laptop.

But I swear, the next time I spot one of these not-mosqiuto flies holding still, i need to snap a photo before brushing it away so I can ask iNat what the heck is biting me.

On Wandering.shop

INat says they’re stable flies.

Actually it only flagged the genus, but they do look almost like house flies, which don’t bite.

On Wandering.shop

I couldn’t help adding snarky comments to the observations.

“Apparently the way to catch them standing still is to take a picture *while* they’re draining my blood. Even through a sock.”

“I didn’t plan on being an all you can eat buffet today, but here we are”

On Wandering.shop

It’s even better because I started the day getting blood drawn for a medical checkup

On Wandering.shop

Wow, McAfee’s uninstall survey actually has a *specified option* for “I kept getting too many …

Wow, McAfee’s uninstall survey actually has a *specified option* for “I kept getting too many notifications from McAfee”

If you have to put it in the uninstall survey, that should tell you something.

Or maybe they know it, and the customer retention team is passive-aggressively trying to get the marketing team’s attention…?

On Wandering.shop

The “sound” of a black hole: pressure waves measured in observations of the interstellar gas …

The “sound” of a black hole: pressure waves measured in observations of the interstellar gas in a distant galaxy cluster, converted to sound, then transposed upward by 57 octaves into human hearing range.

“A scientist behind the project likened the sounds to ‘a beautiful Hans Zimmer score with the moody level set at really high’”


#astronomy #weird

On Wandering.shop

Kid was in an angry mood all day. We started watching the first episode of …

Kid was in an angry mood all day. We started watching the first episode of She-Hulk, which he emphatically did NOT want to watch.

2 minutes in, he walked into the room and proceeded to watch the whole thing, laughing hysterically at the jokes and slapstick.

And he was in a great mood afterward.

That’s…a little more meta than I was expecting.

On Wandering.shop

#Gemini question: about a year ago I settled on LaGrange and Amfora as my main …

#Gemini question: about a year ago I settled on LaGrange and Amfora as my main Gemini clients after trying out a bunch of what was around at the time. And then I kind of stopped paying attention.

Now I’m curious: have any particularly interesting client applications come out of Geminispace since then?

On Wandering.shop

COVID, death (last year, but really f’d up)

I just found out that someone I went to high school with lost both her brother and father to COVID last fall because her cousin convinced them not to go to the hospital and only take quack remedies for things that definitely weren’t COVID, all while she and her brother’s friend tried unsuccessfully to get them to seek *real* medical treatment.

On Wandering.shop