Crazy ideas aren’t the problem.

Crazy ideas aren’t the problem. Comics have always been about crazy ideas. It all comes down to the execution.

“Get this: a farm boy discovers that his long-lost dad was a space wizard, and he goes to rescue this princess from a space station run by this evil space wizard…and they BLOW UP A PLANET!” When you put it that way, Star Wars doesn’t sound so great, does it?

On Reddit

What happens when the cloud evaporates? Flickr: Too big to fail (we hope)

What happens when the cloud evaporates? Flickr: Too big to fail (we hope)

Ugh. So many idiots commenting on that Flickr story who DIDN’T READ IT. The guy HAD backups of his photos, but NOT THE ACCOUNT STRUCTURE. He could have re-uploaded all 4000 photos…but all the old links would be broken, all the tags would be missing, titles, descriptions, etc. All that stuff required either a backup *at* Flickr or a Flickr-provided method of retrieving the structure.

App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

The app store model has been available in major Linux distributions for years, but you can always add third-party software.

GUIs for Linux’s APT & Yum are basically app stores for free software. Linspire had an actual app store back in 2002