So the group that put together that “Three Myths About Copyright…” paper last Friday

So the group that put together that “Three Myths About Copyright…” paper last Friday has retracted it. Apparently the RIAA didn't like what it was saying. (Funny thing).

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Fandom Isn’t Exclusive

I’ll never understand why a subculture so familiar with exclusion is so quick to turn around and exclude people.

EXACTLY. “We aren’t all nerdy about the same things & we don’t all participate in nerd culture the same way.”

Some people like Superman, others like the Hulk. People have their favorite interpretations of Batman. People have their favorite X-Men. If you like Grant Morrison’s Batman & someone else prefers Batman: The Animated Series, that doesn’t make the other person NOT a Batman fan. No more than you liking Data and them liking Spock makes them not a Star Trek fan, or them preferring the “wrong” Doctor. Someone who got into Doctor Who with Smith, Tennant or Eccleston is no less a fan than someone who got into it with, say, Tom Baker…

So if someone likes a comic book character, but hasn’t read the same 100 issues YOU have, that doesn’t make them not a fan.

Some people would rather express their fandom with costuming, or fanfic, or fan art, instead of throwing comics in a box. Again, still fans. Someone takes the time to collect enough Batman pics to post 3/day to Tumblr for a year, but doesn’t like the current books? Sounds fannish.

Yellow clouds near sunset.

Yellow clouds near sunset. It looked like the thicker clouds were actually raining – in fact, we could see a fragment of rainbow off to the right of the frame – but there was no sign of the rain actually reaching the ground anywhere.

They came out a bit too orange, now that I look at them again. But the golden hour sunlight reflected off of the cloud cover made for eerie lightning. It reminded me a bit of being in the smoke plume of a wildfire, except for the fact that the air was clear. (Clearer than usual, actually, with the Santa Anas blowing.)

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