Interesting. This article is missing a few numbers, but Wikipedia’s article on the election…–politics.html

Interesting. This article is missing a few numbers, but Wikipedia's article on the election places him at 0.95% of the popular vote, the highest of the third party candidates this year (though still smaller than the gap between Romney & Obama). Still smaller than Nader's share in 2000, and of course WAY smaller than Ross Perot's record 18% in 1992.

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Be sure to vote today even if you don’t like the major choices for President….

Be sure to vote today even if you don't like the major choices for President. Don't just stay home to “send a message,” vote for a third party candidate instead. Staying home sends a message all right, but not about your disappointment with the system. It sends the message that you're willing to lie down and let the system walk all over you.

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