Odd that Disney is using “Under the Sea” to advertize a cruise ship that sails OVER the sea…
Jerry’s Dogs puts a bucket of peanuts at each table…
For future reference: Jerry’s Dogs puts a bucket of peanuts at each table. It would’ve been nice to know this BEFORE I ordered lunch. I’m glad I’m not so allergic that just being in the room would send me to the ER. Eating outside, but to be safe I’m not coming back.
Pleasantly surprised by a fun adventure story with great art.
I’m enjoying it [The Flash] a lot. I really wasn’t expecting to – I’m a Wally West fan myself, so Barry Allen’s return felt forced and unnecessary. Yes, the series was broken post-Infinite Crisis, but in the words of another Geoff Johns story, just because something’s broken doesn’t mean you throw it away.
Worse, Flash: Rebirth really annoyed me on a lot of levels. I was at the point where I figured if the new series was going to be like Rebirth, I wasn’t interested in reading it. Fortunately I gave it a chance, and was pleasantly surprised by a fun adventure story with great art.
After they defeated the Adversary, I completely lost interest in Fables.
Responding to a thread about which long-running comics you’ve stopped reading.
After they defeated the Adversary, I completely lost interest in Fables. I tried to keep going. I think I read another four issues or so, about to the point where someone released the Sealed Evil In A Can, and kept buying them for a few months after that. Once I realized I wasn’t reading it anymore, I dropped it entirely.
One nice thing about The Nightmare Before Christmas is that it’s good for anytime from October through December!
One nice thing about The Nightmare Before Christmas is that it’s good for anytime from October through December!
The United States of Autocomplete (Strange Maps)
The United States of Autocomplete (Strange Maps)
On a related note, it’s weird how in the space of an hour, what you…
On a related note, it's weird how in the space of an hour, what you want the kid to do will change from “Please stop squirming, be quiet, and go to sleep!” to “Please twitch, or snore, or something!”
J has been asleep for almost 2 hours now…
J has been asleep for almost 2 hours now…in a baby chair designed for *supervised* napping. I’m tempted to try to move him to the crib, but I’m certain that would just wake him up. At least this way, he and Katie can get some sleep.
While I don't like giant cars taking up two spaces when they could squeeze into one, at least I understand it. But a tiny Lexus sportscar, straight down the middle? That's the definition of entitlement right there.
Better pic of the rainbow over the Hollywood sign. (Remind me not to use Android’s crop function.)
Better pic of the rainbow over the Hollywood sign. (Remind me not to use Android’s crop function.)
OK, who’s the wise guy who invited an entire ant colony over to a slumber
OK, who's the wise guy who invited an entire ant colony over to a slumber party at my place? (I like rain, but not the 6-legged visitors.)
2,292 items in my blog’s spam folder after only 2.5 weeks. I think I should just clear it & write off anything that might be lost in there.
2,292 items in my blog’s spam folder after only 2.5 weeks. I think I should just clear it & write off anything that might be lost in there.
For a supposedly “unknown error,” 80244022 has an awfully detailed help page.
For a supposedly “unknown error,” 80244022 has an awfully detailed help page.
I’m on a completely empty bus, just me and the driver. He almost didn’t stop. Its kind of eerie, actually.
I’m on a completely empty bus, just me and the driver. He almost didn’t stop. Its kind of eerie, actually.
I’m sort of tempted to let that last status sit for a while, but basically today’s the last day the route is in service.
I watched an airplane fly past the barely crescent moon on approach to landing, at a distance such that they looked the same size.
I watched an airplane fly past the barely crescent moon on approach to landing, at a distance such that they looked the same size.
Brought my own bags to Costco. Checker wasn’t sure what to do with it and
Brought my own bags to Costco. Checker wasn't sure what to do with it and put the giant box of mashed potatoes on top of the bags of dried fruit.
I had a longer comment, but I think it all boils down to this:
- Long-term fans like to be reminded of the stories that got us hooked (our own personal “golden age.”)
- A lot of the writers, artists, and editors making comics started out as fans, especially since the 1980s.
- The industry does not want to lose readers. (Maybe they don’t know how to replace them with new readers, or don’t want to chance it, or maybe they’ve just prioritized keeping the current readership over bringing in new people.)
That said, some stories are a lot more accessible than others – even with the same character and the same writer. Geoff Johns’ Flash: Rebirth miniseries was steeped in 60 years of Flash mythology. His first story arc on the new ongoing pared it down and made a point of establishing everything you needed to know for that story as if it were just being introduced for the first time.
UCI Student Center: Then and Now
Composite of two photos of the University of California, Irvine Student Center: One taken in 1997, the other in 2007.
The biggest difference (aside from the time of day) is that the Student Center itself was torn down and replaced with a new complex, which is why I focused on the center area for the cut-out. The Irvine Barclay Theatre, Administration Building and Student Services II, ring road, and the office building in the distance are all still there.
See also my write-up about taking the second photo.
Someone’s spamming my Comic-Con Crowds post with a link to some “is Bigfoot real?” site.
Someone’s spamming my Comic-Con Crowds post with a link to some “is Bigfoot real?” site.
OK: Google Voice is working as voice mail for my phone. Transcription is nice but a bit iffy. My favorite: “Air guys” for “Here goes.”
OK: Google Voice is working as voice mail for my phone. Transcription is nice but a bit iffy. My favorite: “Air guys” for “Here goes.”