Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
The CDC offers suggestions on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse (or other disaster).
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Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
The CDC offers suggestions on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse (or other disaster).
Easier, yes…but not necessary. Anyone remember a Zorro film from about 10 years back with Anthony Hopkins as retired Zorro and Antonio Banderas as new Zorro? It did well enough they made a sequel.
Other characters have legacy built into the concept, like the Phantom (maybe not the best example, because the movie tanked).
Maybe a better example: a big part of the first Pirates of the Caribbean film hinged on Will Turner following through on his father’s legacy, but Bootstrap Bill didn’t appear at all until they did the sequels.
Or, heck, Harry Potter – it’s all about this boy growing up and living up to the legacy of his parents and their generation who fought in a war. Harry’s parents are absolutely critical to his story, but they’ve been dead for 10 years when the first movie gets going.
So yes, a legacy character *can* be done in a movie. It may be *easier* to tell a story about the first guy, but it’s not *necessary.*
Two new local restaurants and an ice cream place, a trip to the pier, pictures hung in J's room, bookshelves finally put in place and books unpacked…it's like we're moving in or something!
I hope the guy standing casually next to the burning bus stop trash can & talking on his cell phone was talking to the fire department.
The sky *looks* hazy, but it's astonishingly clear. Local mountains are crystal, I spotted Mt San Jacinto from Torrance, & I could swear I saw the Hollywood sign from *Irvine*.
Barry’s been back for THREE YEARS. He’s been the focus of a Rebirth miniseries, had a major part in last year’s Big Event(tm), and had his own ongoing book, plus guest spots all over the DCU.
And here we have a gigantic, sprawling Flash-centric event (the first ever, I might add) with 5 oversized issues telling the main story, plus 16 miniseries and at least 4 one-shots telling side stories.
And DC is saying that nowhere in all of that could they find room for the guy who was The Flash for more than two decades? And you’re saying this is perfectly okay?
I don’t like to use the phrase “slap in the face” — it’s really overused IMO — but I think it applies here.
Delicious acquired by founders of YouTube. [dead link] Yahoo has been trying to unload its non-core services.
Planespotting. Was on the wrong side of the building to see Air Force One, but did manage to see a convoy of about 6 helicopters spiraling in to land a few minutes ago.
Asia’s out of IPv4 addresses & the rest of the world isn’t far behind. But the internet has barely started using IPv6.
Gee, I love how these “secure email” services train people to click on links in email and enter personal info on a website in response to the promise of critical financial documentation.
Yes. I never bagged and boarded them to preserve resale value. I bag and board them to keep them from getting creased, bent or torn for the next time I read them. The comics that are in good condition stay in good condition, but it’s almost more important for the old ones that are falling apart – it keeps them from getting worse when I look through the boxes and pull things out.
I can’t say I’ll miss it. The few times I’ve used it, it felt like I was shouting into a vacuum. IIRC, they didn’t feel it was worth objecting when Google launched their own site called Buzz, so the writing’s been on the wall for quite a while. Hmm, I wonder how the two Buzz’s user bases compare….
Another One Bites The Dust: Yahoo To Kill Buzz On April 21
We knew this was coming, but Yahoo has announced that it will not longer support Yahoo Buzz, its a Digg-like product where users can rank stories from publishers.
You know what I miss about film cameras? The fact that they'd take the picture *when* you hit the button, not a second or two *afterward*.
What do people think an “intensive purpose” is? “For all intents and purposes” may be redundant, but it actually makes SENSE.
Ugh. Got the last phone bill for the old apartment and there's *another* fraudulent charge from “ILD Teleservices” for “Comp U Fix.” Looks like I get to spend more time on the phone with AT&T tomorrow. At this rate I half-expect to get billed again *next* month, even though our AT&T account should be closed by then.
Oh, come on. It takes less code to reformat a phone number than to yell at your customer for not formatting it the way you want it.
Controversial Post on Facebook by Chef
Many of us who have Celiac, or live with those that who do, know the importance of avoiding gluten at all costs. Many times, finding a restaurant or cafe that has a gluten free menu and takes the time to make sure it doesn’t get contaminated is a source of great excitement. And, sometimes, gluten gets in there anyways. This post by a chef on facebook makes me wonder how often it isn’t a mistake…
Not everyone eating gluten-free is following the latest health fad. Many of them REALLY DO have a medical reason. Food poisoning symptoms wouldn’t start in your restaurant either, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t just poison your own customers. I wonder if this guy feeds sugar to diabetics and alcohol to people who are on medication that interacts badly with it?
Why bad science reporting matters.