The Food Allergy Walk was a success.

The Food Allergy Walk was a success. Our team raised over $1,300, and the event overall raised about $45,000 (and that’s only the online donations.) Plus we got to hang out with family.

At Marina Green Park in Long Beach

On Facebook

Whoa. I can think of two incidents where this could have been me

Whoa. I can think of two incidents where this could have been me: one where I could have been the subject, and one where I could have been telling the story.

First, when I was 18, I accidentally ate part of a peanut butter cookie at an event and didn’t have my Epi-Pen with me. Fortunately we weren’t very far from home (though knowing what I know now, 911 might have been a better option).

And then just last month, on vacation, the hotel restaurant messed up our order and gave our son a PBJ sandwich. Katie caught it before he ate any of it, and it’s possible he hasn’t inherited my allergy to peanuts, but we didn’t want to find out that way.

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

One Poignant Picture For Man, One Giant Hold Pattern For Mankind

Tho there were thousands of people, I somehow got this angle of the Space Shuttle, people free. What I love about the shot is that it truly symbolizes the mothballing of the Shuttle project. That the …

I went for a walk at lunch, and this was just sitting there taking up …

I went for a walk at lunch, and this was just sitting there taking up a zillion parking spaces. And no license plate to take down. Anyone recognize this vehicle?

And the spaces clearly say “compact.” On what planet is *that* a compact car?

Note: Wayne adds on Google+:

And how brazen! Emblazoning the USA logo on its side too! What’s that blue dot there…