I stopped using voice dial when I tripped it accidentally & it interpreted “I guess I don’t need that lane after all” as “Call Mom.”
I like this characterization of the San Diego/Los Angeles battle
Comic-Con Move From San Diego To Anaheim Or LA? (Hell No! We Won’t Go!)
I like this characterization of the San Diego/Los Angeles battle: “Are you a fan show with trade elements, or are you a trade show that lets in fans…?”
Linking tip: record the title of the article you link to. It makes it easier to find again if the site reorganizes later.
Linking tip: record the title of the article you link to. It makes it easier to find again if the site reorganizes later.
Re: iPad comics?
Ignoring the iPad specifically for a moment, there are circumstances when a tablet is actually more appropriate than a laptop/notebook.
A few years ago, a friend of mine had a job inspecting buildings to see whether they complied with building codes. She carried around a tablet, not a notebook, because when you’re wandering around a building, it’s easy to check something off with a stylus or touchscreen while you carry the device, but a pain to have to stop, look for a place to set down a notebook, open it up, and then find the right spot with the touchpad or keyboard.
More recently, I read an article by someone who spent a business trip sick in bed, and found that it was a lot easier to use his new iPad in bed than to cross the room and sit at the desk to use his laptop.
Yeah, the iPad has problems (foremost, IMO, the fact that Apple has veto power over what you can and can’t install on it — which is part of why I own an Android phone and not an iPhone), but let’s not get caught up in the “I don’t have a use for it, therefore nobody does” mentality.
Neat idea for reusing obsolete infrastructure.
Telekom Austria turns phone boxes into car recharging stations
Neat idea for reusing obsolete infrastructure.
Discovered a donut shop I used to stop by on the way to work ~10 years ago is now a coffee shop. Probably a good move.
Discovered a donut shop I used to stop by on the way to work ~10 years ago is now a coffee shop. Probably a good move.
SCO’s legal argument explained in comic-strip form
SCO’s legal argument explained in comic-strip form: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20100429121720753
Oh, no! Norton detected a Tracking Cookie! Run away! (Yeah, it’s nice to clear them out, but the big scary warning is a bit much.)
Oh, no! Norton detected a Tracking Cookie! Run away! (Yeah, it’s nice to clear them out, but the big scary warning is a bit much.)
Saw The Language Archive at @scr last weekend, and here’s the NYT on preserving endangered languages.
Saw The Language Archive at @scr last weekend, and here’s the NYT on preserving endangered languages.
So…if Facebook *had* an “I don’t care” button, what would it mean if you cared enough to make the effort to click on it?
So…if Facebook *had* an “I don’t care” button, what would it mean if you cared enough to make the effort to click on it?
It’s always seemed like a bad idea to name anything after a figure whose claim to fame was that he ignored warnings against exceeding the tolerances of his vehicle, causing it to break up and kill him.
*cringe* One of the popular tags on Delicious for The Alot is “grammer.” I want to believe it’s deliberate.
*cringe* One of the popular tags on Delicious for The Alot is “grammer.” I want to believe it’s deliberate.
I understand people who ignore walk signals, but the ones who carefully wait for the left arrow so they can block traffic just baffle me
I understand people who ignore walk signals, but the ones who carefully wait for the left arrow so they can block traffic just baffle me
The last days of the floppy disk are upon us
Sony delivers floppy disk’s last rites
Electronics giant, which pioneered and dominated the market for the storage medium, announces it will cease Japanese sales of the disks in 2011.
Farewell, floppy disk!
Maxfield Parrish Sky
Maxfield Parrish Sky, originally uploaded by Kelson.
One night last October, I stepped out of the office building and felt like I’d stepped into a Maxfield Parrish painting. The whole sky looked like this. (Or at least the half that was visible.) It literally stopped me in my tracks.
I spent the next 15 minutes walking around the parking lot, watching the lighting on the clouds change as the sun set and taking pictures.
Wow. Real Life Comics was right. 640×480 on a 21″ monitor is scary. The pixels… O_o
Wow. Real Life Comics was right. 640×480 on a 21″ monitor is scary. The pixels… O_o
Long Court Cases
Sometimes, lawsuits take a *long* time to get through the courts to the point where they’re dismissed or resolved. Six years from incident to dismissal doesn’t surprise me as much as I wish it did.
There’s a book called “The True Stella Awards” [stellaawards.com] by Randy Cassingham, which is full of documented court cases that waste time & money, set bad precedents, try to punish the wrong people, etc, and it’s disheartening to see how long the process can take.
Saw a car sticker with IRL for Ireland. I read it as “In Real Life.”
Saw a car sticker with IRL for Ireland. I read it as “In Real Life.”
Interesting read: Why Mozilla Needs to go into Survival Mode
Interesting read: Why Mozilla Needs to go into Survival Mode