Weird. I just read a comment where someone claimed that conservatives hate liberals for their “no reasonable person can disagree with me attitude.” In my experience, it's at least as likely to be the other way around.
Neptune Pool (Hearst Castle)
The main outdoor swimming pool at Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. Taken on a tour last February.
This was at least the third time I’ve been to Hearst Castle, and the second time as an adult. I vaguely remember visiting when I was eight, or ten, or somewhere around that age. Years later, in 2008, my wife and I planned a trip to San Francisco and decided to do it in stages, including a stopover at Hearst Castle. We only had time for one of the four tours, so when we planned another trip this year, we made sure to include another stop in San Simeon. This time we had a little more sense of how much time was involved, and managed to fit in two of the remaining tours.
At some point, we need to head back during spring or summer when they’re running the garden tour.
In a brilliant move, I have just twisted my shoulder funny 5 minutes before driving home. At least it’s the left shoulder. Still: Ow!
In a brilliant move, I have just twisted my shoulder funny 5 minutes before driving home. At least it’s the left shoulder. Still: Ow!
…1 day later…
Right shoulder seems OK. Left shoulder still recovering from whatever the heck I did to it yesterday. The dangers of…office chairs?
WTF? I just tweaked my *other* shoulder doing nothing more exciting than reaching for my mouse. Nowhere near as badly, at least!
WTF? 4-day passes have ACTUALLY SOLD OUT already! I was starting to think December…
WTF? 4-day passes have ACTUALLY SOLD OUT already! I was starting to think December maybe, but the first week of November? I'm glad we finally bought ours a few days ago!
Dark One’s Roast
A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was Rand, inspecting a military camp and learning that the Dark One’s touch had destroyed all the coffee. ALL the coffee. And I/Rand immediately decided, “That’s it! We’re ending this NOW! Last Battle, here we come!”
As of tonight, I am back down to the level of allergy medication I was on a year ago!
Short version: a reaction to *something* (lots of tests, nothing identified) last November gave me systemic hives for months. By January I was up to three 24-hour antihistamines…each twice a day. Plus Benadryl. All on doctor’s orders. (Slightly longer version here, from last Dec.) After a couple of attempts to lower the dosage resulted in the hives returning, I stayed at that level for several more months. Since the beginning of summer, my allergist has had me slowly been tapering the medication down.
Last night, I took the last dose of Allegra.
I really like not having to take zillions of pills a day!
Naturally, this coincides with the arrival of dry, windy weather, which is wreaking havoc on my usual allergies. I’m thinking of adding something back so I won’t spend all day sneezing. *facepalm*
The internet can affect your brain! (In a good way.)
Morning Glories
Morning Glories, originally uploaded by Kelson.
Last year my wife and I found some morning glories growing in our backyard, and decided to train them with twine to grow along the back wall. They did phenomenally well…and then produced a zillion seed pods, reminding us that they’re often classified as weeds.
They’re gone now.
One difference: the seasonal flu vaccine is based on…
One difference: the seasonal flu vaccine is based on predicting ahead of time which strains of flu are likely to circulate during the upcoming flu season and targeting those strains. Sometimes the predictions are accurate, sometimes they’re not. The H1N1 vaccine targets a specific strain that we know is circulating.
In RFC terms:
A seasonal flu vaccine MAY protect you from seasonal flu.
An H1N1 flu vaccine SHOULD protect you from H1N1 flu.
iPod train wreck of the morning was the Cardcaptor Sakura theme followed by Garbage’s Supervixen.
iPod train wreck of the morning was the Cardcaptor Sakura theme followed by Garbage’s Supervixen.
4-Day passes *with* preview night have sold out.
4-Day passes *with* preview night have sold out. Annoyingly, there’s no indication of how many 4-day passes *without* preview night are available, or what the percentage was, or anything at all to gauge whether the remaining memberships are likely to sell out next spring or next week.
Problem: Twitter trending topics are quickly flooded with in-jokes & spam. There’s no context if you don’t already know what they’re about
Problem: Twitter trending topics are quickly flooded with in-jokes & spam. There’s no context if you don’t already know what they’re about
How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! (Grr.)
How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! Won’t somebody please think of the children? (Grr.)
This CAPTCHA wants me to type “gosmut” O_o
This CAPTCHA wants me to type “gosmut” O_o
Tunguska Event
comment on the post “Flash Facts: Tunguska Event“:
I remember my first encounter with the Tunguska event was in The New Teen Titans, with the origin of Red Star. The weird thing is, I went back later and reread the issues with him and the story never actually states that the incident involved was the Tunguska event!
I must have thought of the origin story when I first read about the real event, and connected them in my mind to the extent that I was convinced the story had specifically referred to it!
The sound of gardening tools outside the office blends with computer fans for really weird harmonics.
The sound of gardening tools outside the office blends with computer fans for really weird harmonics.
It’s not just that it’s in the last place you look. It’s that it’s in the last place you *want* to look.
It’s not just that it’s in the last place you look. It’s that it’s in the last place you *want* to look.
Ugh. It feels hotter now than it did at lunchtime. Numbers back it up: car says 99 deg vs 93.
Ugh. It feels hotter now than it did at lunchtime. Numbers back it up: car says 99 deg vs 93.
Watched sun set, disc tinged almost magenta by smoke plume from the #Morris fire stretching along the horizon.
Watched sun set, disc tinged almost magenta by smoke plume from the #Morris fire stretching along the horizon.