I remember when Geoff Johns wrote “Blitz” and “Ignition”

I remember when Geoff Johns wrote “Blitz” and “Ignition” in order to make the points that (a) heroes don’t need tragedy to make them great and (b) grim & gritty and decompression have their place, but aren’t the best fit for a character like the Flash.

Then a few years later he gave us Flash: Rebirth, Flashpoint, and the New 52.

Remember the faster-than-light neutrinos reported last year? It may have just been a bad fiberoptic connection…

Unconfirmed rumor: FTL neutrinos may be due to a faulty GPS connection

Remember the faster-than-light neutrinos reported last year? It may have just been a bad fiberoptic connection on the system doing the timing.

The scientists who reported the results in the first place were 99% certain there was *something* wrong with them (though it would have been revolutionary if the results had held up), but they couldn't find the error, and made the announcement mainly to ask for help tracking it down.

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Oh, come on. How many times do we have to kill this lawsuit? SCO…

SCO vs. IBM Trial Back On Again

Oh, come on. How many times do we have to kill this lawsuit? SCO has had a DECADE to produce evidence of actual infringement, the Linux code base has been gone over with multiple fine-toothed combs, a court determined that SCO doesn’t even own the copyrights that they’re suing over, and the company basically ran themselves into the ground by focusing on the sue-your-own-customers business model.

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The EFF is usually really serious about privacy issues, so if they’re *less* concerned…

What Actually Changed in Google’s Privacy Policy

The EFF is usually really serious about privacy issues, so if they’re *less* concerned than the media frenzy, it’s a sign that the media reaction has been overhyped.

Basically, what’s different comes down to this: Google used to separate logged-in search history from Youtube history from the rest of Google’s services (Gmail, Docs, etc.). Now they’re all connected.

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