Hellboy: Pancakes by Mike Mignola







Hellboy: Pancakes by Mike Mignola. Has to be one of the greatest 2 page comic stories ever made.


“He has eaten the pancake.” I will not lie, I intoned that when my eldest first ate pancakes. I knew he had veered from a dark path at that moment.

Aside from the monkey with the gun, this is the greatest Hellboy thing ever.

Bonus: it’s also super good for teaching three-act structure, ‘cause it’s a complete, traditionally structured story that fits on a single slide.

This story is pure joy, and it’s a teaching tool? I love Hellboy so much.

My son had his first pancake just this weekend. My wife and I looked at each other trying to decide which of us would quote the line. Seeing the comic referenced now = perfect timing.

Does anyone know why there are historical markers for El Camino Real along PCH/Sepulveda through…

Does anyone know why there are historical markers for El Camino Real along PCH/Sepulveda through Manhattan/Hermosa/Redondo Beach? My understanding is that the actual historical route ran much closer to Downtown LA, roughly along the 5 and 101 routes. You know, where the actual MISSIONS are.

Or are the criteria for “Historic El Camino Real” looser than I thought?

On Facebook

Vaccination saves lives

Stop Antivaxxers Now – Phil Plait

Vaccination saves lives. Not just the lives of those who get vaccinated, but those around them who can’t because they’re too young, immunocompromised, or have other medical reasons that they can’t.

(If you’re wondering why this is on an astronomy site, it’s because the author makes a point of promoting science education and fighting against pseudoscience across the board.)

Originally shared by Vineet KewalRamani

Vaccination as altruism

There are people in society (the immunocompromised, newborns, elderly) vulnerable to deadly viral infections that the rest of us can easily prevent through vaccination.

But if 75 percent to 95 percent of the population around us is vaccinated for a particular disease, the rest are protected through what is called herd immunity. In other words, your measles vaccine protects me [the immunocompromised NY Times Op-Ed writer] against the measles.

Obviously people will first act in their own interests, but if there are no scientifically credible data showing harm by particular vaccination, and benefits are clear to the vaccinated and also to society at large, why not do it to help protect another?

For the Herd’s Sake, Vaccinate

Problems with SOPA

“if you’re not breaking the law, you have nothing to fear from SOPA.”


Feds Falsely Censor Popular Blog For Over A Year, Deny All Due Process, Hide All Details…

And this is under the current law, without the additional tools SOPA provides.

Also, check out CloudFlare’s article about how they already have to deal with people sending bogus DMCA complaints in order to get the data needed to launch DDoS attacks. With SOPA, why bother to launch the DDoS, when you can get the law to do your dirty work for you?

Even the pro-copyright-enforcement Heritage Foundation warns about unintended consequences of the law. It doesn’t matter if the law is only intended to go after rogue sites if it’s written in a way that applies to legit sites as well, and it doesn’t matter who’s targeted if the solutions imposed result in major collateral damage.

Consider also that the “techno-elite” you’re referring to are the people and companies who built and run the Internet, and includes companies like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Mozilla, PayPal and Wikipedia. Not just their users, but the companies. It seems they might know something about how it works, and how this law would affect it.

“I just don’t see opposing intellectual property protection as doing the right thing.”

Again, you’re falling into that second trap, where “something must be done” implies “this thing must be done.” There are other ways to protect IP than by passing SOPA or Protect IP in its current form.

On Reddit

I’ve been debating whether to move an expiring domain name over to GoDaddy

I’ve been debating whether to move an expiring domain name over to GoDaddy, where I have several others, or renew it where it is.

This answers that question.

Go Daddy’s Position on SOPA | Go Daddy Blog | Go Daddy Support

Comments on Google+:

Wayne: I love how “Comments are closed.” at the bottom. lol

Me: There are some great logical fallacies, too, like “something must be done, therefore we must do this.”

Opposition to SOPA is not all pro-piracy

Opposition to SOPA is not all pro-piracy, no matter what the bill’s sponsors claim. Even the pro-copyright Heritage Foundation, which liked the idea of suing P2P users, is opposed to SOPA because of its unintended consequences.

At least we hope they’re unintended.

Pro-copyright group takes SOPA to task

When defending intellectual property rights, the influential Heritage Foundation often sounds like it’s channeling Hollywood lobbyists. But not when it comes to the Stop Online Piracy Act. Read this…