Gotta love this story title: Robotic Ferret Used to Fight Smugglers
Non-Standard = Ambiguous
So, have you got some specs for exactly the way IE and Gecko handle every single case of non-standard code? Including cases where it’s clear the code is broken, but it’s not clear what the author meant, and multiple interpretations are equally valid?
No? There’s no specification? They’ll have to reverse-engineer it by visiting every page on the internet with IE and Firefox and seeing what those browsers do with them? Gee, that sounds workable!
Yesterday it was working. Today it is not. Servers are like that when some daemon was running in tests but wasn’t set to start on boot.
Yesterday it was working. Today it is not. Servers are like that when some daemon was running in tests but wasn’t set to start on boot.
There’s a Zombie On Your Lawn
And the game is total crack. alenxa has been playing it all week, and it’s that perfect combination of WTF and fascinating.
Real Life Comics on allergy medication. Oh, yes, I’ve been there.
Pegg as Scotty
comment on the post “Trekkies Petition To Remove Pegg as Scotty”:
Scotty, misanthrope with a core of rage? I don’t think so.
Now, on first viewing, I’ll admit, Scotty in the film seemed a bit off from what I remembered. Oddly enough, though I rewatched an episode of the original series a few days later (I forget which one), and I was struck by how similar James Doohan’s performance was to Simon Pegg’s (or, rather, the other way around).
They don’t look particularly alike, but the acting matched, down to facial expressions. Especially if you take into account that in TOS, you see Scotty after he’s been the respected chief engineer for however-many years, and in the new movie, you see him as a young officer who’s spent the last 6 months in an isolated station with only one person for company, with whom he doesn’t get along.
Mozilla Launches Jetpack
Mozilla Launches Jetpack
Whenever I get order #9 or take-a-number, I imagine the disembodied voice saying “Number 9…Number 9” from the Beatles’ song Revoluntion 9
Whenever I get order #9 or take-a-number, I imagine the disembodied voice saying “Number 9…Number 9” from the Beatles’ song Revolution 9
What uses does it have?
* Running commentary on an event.
* Random thoughts.
* Announcements (news sites, software updates, blogs, etc.)
* Sharing interesting links
* Conversations
* Fiction told one line at a time.
* Tips of the Day
I’m sure if you think about it instead of dismiss it you can come up with other uses.
All of it tied into a single feed that can be access via the web, via a multitude of desktop applications, via smartphone apps, or even via SMS on mobile phones, making it ubiquitous.
Sure, many of these things can be done via email, or RSS, or instant messaging, but Twitter — or rather, a system like it — provides a simple way to combine them all into one easily-accessed stream.
One of the Classic Blunders
The most famous, of course, is “Never start a land war in Asia,” but only slightly less well-known is this: “Just because you can’t think of a use for it doesn’t mean that no one can.”
Heck, one *line* of script could bring Cyclops back.
Heck, one line of script could bring Cyclops back. “Hey, I’m back. Sorry for skipping out on you all, but I was just so depressed. What’d I miss?”
Warner Music issues DMCA takedown notice to official Warner Music video channel. Need popcorn
Warner Music issues DMCA takedown notice to official Warner Music video channel. Need popcorn
Bread bowl pasta: in case you had any doubt that the low-carb craze was over.
Bread bowl pasta: in case you had any doubt that the low-carb craze was over.
Backing up Geocities
Ambitious, crazy, or both? The project to back up all of Geocities before Yahoo pulls the plug.
Yes, actually, I sneeze when I look up at a really bright sky. It gets annoying when I’m looking for ice halos and such.
@rikandes Yes, actually, I sneeze when I look up at a really bright sky. It gets annoying when I’m looking for ice halos and such.
An interesting look back at the web of 10 years ago.
Whatever Happened to the Top 15 Web Properties of April, 1999?
An interesting look back at the web of 10 years ago.
Comic Sans, Font of Ill Will
The Wall Street Journal profiles Vincent Connare, designer of the web’s most-hated font, Comic Sans. Not surprisingly, the font’s origins go back to Microsoft Bob, where he saw a talking dog speaking in Times New Roman. Connare pulled out Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns for reference, and created the comic book-style font over the next week.
Guy w/ sign by side of road: “Homeless kind soul stuck in vortex.” I get the 1st half, but WTF does “stuck in vortex” mean? Downward spiral?
Guy w/ sign by side of road: “Homeless kind soul stuck in vortex.” I get the 1st half, but WTF does “stuck in vortex” mean? Downward spiral?
Weird news from Wired. Apparently CompUSA was bought by Tiger Direct’s parent company, and
Weird news from Wired. Apparently CompUSA was bought by Tiger Direct's parent company, and they're relaunching the chain, mostly in Florida.
Will It Lens?
Google employees ask the all-important question: Will It Lens?