I’m amazed that Facebook still hasn’t fixed the bug where, when you attach a link…

I’m amazed that Facebook still hasn’t fixed the bug where, when you attach a link to a Blogspot post, it pulls in the first comment instead of the post itself for the summary. Are they waiting for Google to implement OpenGraph? Does it only apply to certain themes and I’m just unlucky about which blogs I read?

Or is it one of those situations where no one’s actually reported it as a bug, because everyone assumes someone must have noticed, like the apocryphal story of the house burning down across the street from the fire station because no one called it in?

Today, I watched a lunar eclipse, sunrise, and sunset. Probably a first.

Sunset over the ocean.

Today, I watched a lunar eclipse, sunrise, and sunset. Probably a first.

Venus & Jupiter just popped into view. It would’ve been nice to add Mercury too, but it’s below the horizon.

Also: I really should’ve brought gloves.

If I’d thought about it, I could have gone back to the spot where I watched the sunrise this morning to catch the moonrise for full symmetry. Oh, well.

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Lia BrownCool! I don’t think it was visible here…and it was so cold last night I wouldn’t have had much patience anyway…

Dec 10, 2011, 7:38 PM

Kelson VibberYeah, I think you might have been able to see the beginning of it in your area, but not much else.

Dec 10, 2011, 11:06 PM

Wendi HeckathornWhere did you watch it at?

Dec 11, 2011, 2:10 AM

Kelson VibberI watched most of the eclipse from home (well, across the street), then went down to an area of Redondo Beach where a street runs along a bluff above the beach (Esplanade & Avenue A). I tried to watch the moon set while eclipsed, but the sky was too light by then to really see it at that point, so I drove over to an east-facing hill to watch the sunrise. I came back to Esplanade at the end of the day to watch the sunset.

Dec 11, 2011, 11:25 PM

Wendi HeckathornThat’s awesome! I’m bummed I missed it, but I did enjoy seeing the beautiful full moon. Thanks for sharing the gorgeouspics you took. 🙂

Dec 12, 2011, 12:36 AM

Watched the moon go into total eclipse from home, then hightailed it down to the…

Watched the moon go into total eclipse from home, then hightailed it down to the beach to catch the last visible part before moonset without obstructions. No luck. Got here just as the rest of the eclipse hunters were packing up, because the combination of dust, haze, and lightening sky made the moon virtually invisible.

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An interesting read on usability of the Kindle Fire and 7-inch tablets in general.

An interesting read on usability of the Kindle Fire and 7-inch tablets in general. The key takeaway: A 7-inch tablet is different enough from a 10-inch tablet and from a mobile phone that it needs to be treated differently when designing UI & content.

Kindle Fire Usability Findings (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox)

Mobile web sites work best on the 7-inch tablet. Users had great trouble touching the correct items on full sites, where UI elements are too small on the Fire screen.

That’s some serious wind

Whew. That’s some serious wind. Saw a bright flash off to the north as I parked at TJs. No rain, so I’m guessing instead of lightning, it’s power lines sparking somewhere.

I think these are the first Santa Anas since we moved. In a way, it’s oddly reassuring. I guess after the summer was so different from what I’m used to (even cold at times), it’s nice to know that fall weather is a bit more familiar. October heat wave, November winds, etc.

Why did I just uninstall Shareaholic?

Because the extension added contextual advertising to the PayPal login screen. That means (a) I can’t trust my browsing, even on HTTPS sites, to be private (yeah, I know DNS and Chrome’s anti-malware filter already get this info), and (b) I can’t trust secure sites to not be modified as long as the extension is installed.

Good news: the part that failed is still under warranty. Bad news: somehow I managed…

Good news: the part that failed is still under warranty. Bad news: somehow I managed to get nails into both front tires in places that can't be repaired (but at least haven't leaked). Good news: The tires are under warranty too. Bad news: That means I have to go to Costco *on* Thanksgiving weekend. Good news: I won't have to go into the store.

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