Maxfield Parrish Sky

Maxfield Parrish Sky

Maxfield Parrish Sky, originally uploaded by Kelson.

One night last October, I stepped out of the office building and felt like I’d stepped into a Maxfield Parrish painting. The whole sky looked like this. (Or at least the half that was visible.) It literally stopped me in my tracks.

I spent the next 15 minutes walking around the parking lot, watching the lighting on the clouds change as the sun set and taking pictures.

Long Court Cases

Sometimes, lawsuits take a *long* time to get through the courts to the point where they’re dismissed or resolved. Six years from incident to dismissal doesn’t surprise me as much as I wish it did.

There’s a book called “The True Stella Awards” [] by Randy Cassingham, which is full of documented court cases that waste time & money, set bad precedents, try to punish the wrong people, etc, and it’s disheartening to see how long the process can take.

On Slashdot

What do I REALLY want my first day back from vacation? If you guessed, “A computer that turns itself off after booting,” you’d be wrong.

What do I REALLY want my first day back from vacation? If you guessed, “A computer that turns itself off after booting,” you’d be wrong.

Computer passes memory test. So…rollback or reinstall? If I reinstall, I’m going to consider jumping from XP to Windows 7.