WTF? I guess, thinking about it, I shouldn’t be surprised after Obama’s vote on

Obama Administration Embraces Bush Position on Warrantless Wiretapping and Secrecy

EFF: The Obama administration formally adopted the Bush administration’s position that the courts cannot judge the legality of the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) warrantless wiretapping program, filing a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA late Friday.

WTF? I guess, thinking about it, I shouldn’t be surprised after Obama’s vote on the telecom immunity bill, but still disappointing that they’re using the same reasoning.

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Bored? Try Doodling To Keep The Brain On Task

The next time you see someone doodling during a meeting, don’t criticize them for drifting off. It turns out that doodling is the mind’s way of keeping itself just busy enough to avoid checking out entirely and slipping off into a daydream, and doodlers actually remember more of that boring talk. (Judging by my college notes, this probably helped me remember a lot of otherwise-boring lectures.)

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