Interesting article from a local botanical garden where I like to go hiking (and taking …

Interesting article from a local botanical garden where I like to go hiking (and taking photos!) about how they're adapting planting strategies to the changes in climate.

How the Garden Is Adapting to Our Wild Weather Changes – and How You Can Too

#nature #gardening #climatechange #scbg


uspolPolitically speaking, I don't care about whether Hunter Biden is corrupt or not. I …


Politically speaking, I don't care about whether Hunter Biden is corrupt or not. I care whether Joe Biden is corrupt or not. Hunter isn't (and wasn't) the one in office. Or even in the administration.

Prosecute Hunter for his own crimes, sure, but you don't need a congressional investigation.

That's just the GOP trying to establish guilt by association because they don't have anything on their actual target, and it's JUST. SO. TEDIOUS.


TIL that the last version of NCSA Mosaic, with juuuust a few modifications, is available …

TIL that the last version of NCSA Mosaic, with juuuust a few modifications, is available as a Flatpak, 1996-era UI widgets and all.

The Github project also has directions on building on Arch and Ubuntu.

Unfortunately, modern TLS and SNI aren't supported, so #Mosaic can't connect to a lot of websites, but it's still a fun look back at a piece of #WebHistory !


Interesting point: the two biggest markers of the anthropocene era in geology would be radioactive …

Interesting point: the two biggest markers of the anthropocene era in geology would be radioactive isotopes from nuclear weapons and microplastics from mass production and consumerism…both of which are major aspects of the modern world that really got going after World War II…and are handily represented by Barbie and Oppenheimer.


“For the last six months, EFF, our supporters, and dozens of other groups have been …

“For the last six months, EFF, our supporters, and dozens of other groups have been sounding the alarm about several #BadInternetBills that have been put forward in Congress. We’ve made it clear that these bills are terrible ideas, but Congress is now considering packaging them together—possibly into must-pass legislation.”

@eff provides a brief explanation of each and (for those of us in the US) tools to contact your senators & representative:


Fascinating article comparing interactions with LLMs to interactions with a psychic doing cold readings, and …

Fascinating article comparing interactions with LLMs to interactions with a psychic doing cold readings, and how the same mechanisms that create the illusion of mind-reading for the audience can create the illusion of actual understanding, even for the people building the chatbots.

#ai #llm (via metafilter)



Ugh… I was hoping KMail had gotten more reliable since I last tried it, but just setting up an IMAP account I had multiple issues:

  • The inbox wasn’t synced. Everything underneath it was, just not the inbox.
  • It didn’t initially recognize all the special folders like Trash and Sent to begin with, either.
  • Even after I managed to get it to sync the inbox folder, it was literally impossible to move or delete anything from that folder! In some places the action was disabled, and in some it was missing!

That last one was first reported 10 years ago, supposedly fixed, and then it came back.

There’s a workaround that involves messing around with the akonadi console, but apparently even that’s only temporary!

I wanted to use the defaults on this system as much as possible before bringing in other stuff, especially since I could theoretically share contacts and calendar accounts across multiple apps without signing in on every single one…but I think I’m going to just install Thunderbird and have done with it.

Gyahhh, now I’m thinking of that old Apple commercial where the actor who played Lord Refa on B5 is trying to set up a Windows program and his kid eventually gets frustrated and says, “I’m going over to so-and-so’s house. They have a Mac.”