Plane Hopping

Line of rabbits along the ground, silhouetted against some old-looking airplanes and trees in the distance.

When wild jackrabbits roamed the fields of LAX. (Los Angeles Times)

From time to time passengers in giant air liners are amused when giant jacks race the plane on take-off. Until now, none of the rabbits has left the ground.

Apparently they were eventually wiped out by foxes, who have since disappeared as well. (Also, most – but not all – of the area has been paved.)

It reminds me of all the rabbits we used to see near UCI in the 90s, especially out in the housing complexes on the edge. A lot of that open space has been filled in since then. I wonder if they still have much in the way of rabbits. # According to Nentuaby on Mastodon, “Campus was still plastered in ’em at least as late as 2010.”

Back to the LA Times:

The jackrabbit photo by Art Rogers was published as a double-page spread in the Dec. 2, 1946, edition of Life magazine.

May those of you who are traveling today get where you’re going with a minimum of hassle.#lax #themebuilding #losangeles #airport #backlit #lateafternoon

Photo taken at: LAX – Los Angeles International Airport

May those of you who are traveling today get where you’re going with a minimum of hassle.

#lax #themebuilding #losangeles #airport #backlit #lateafternoon