Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block…

Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block. I really like the landscape crop showing the fiery skipper as it flies from one flower to the next…but after I cropped it, I noticed the bee also flying in the foreground of the original, and I just had to find a way to keep them both in the frame and still draw attention to them.

#nature #butterflies #bees #photo

An orange butterfly flying over iceplant flowers.

An orange butterfly and a bee flying over iceplant flowers.

On Photog.Social
Skipper Close-Up (iNat)

Realized this isn’t iceplant. INat suggests it’s in the Kleinia genus, but I’m not sure beyond that.

On Photog.Social

Follow-up: The plant is Blue Chalksticks.

Final Landing Approach! Another shot from the hike at the marsh preserve earlier this month….

Final Landing Approach!

Another shot from the hike at the marsh preserve earlier this month.

The flowers, apparently Matilija Poppies, had huge, flat white petals with these large yellow centers. They looked like fried eggs.

Flower observation.

More photos from the hike

#flowers #bees #nature #photography

A bee approaches the yellow puff-ball center of a large, white-petaled flower.

On Photog.Social

Oops… I realized I’ve already posted this one here. Well, I added more info this time, so at least it’s not a completely duplicate post. 🤦‍♂️

On Photog.Social

Testing out the new phone’s camera on a bee. It has an option to …

Testing out the new phones camera on a bee. It has an option to add a second or so of video to still shots when it detects movement, which I figured I’d try out as well.