In one of the cleaner ponds at the marsh preserve.
Tag: birds
Possibly a Say’s Phoebe
A mockingbird I caught just after it took off. Or is it a mockingbirb?
A #mockingbird I caught just after it took off.
Or is it a mockingbirb?
Stork’s bill in a finch’s beak.
Stork’s bill in a finch’s beak.
A bluebird spotted on a walk around the neighborhood.
Birds of Madrona Marsh
#Birds of #MadronaMarsh. There were a zillion red-winged blackbirds, at least one group of goldfinches, some starlings, and of course the usual geese and ducks.
#nature #Blackbird #RedWingedBlackbird #Goldfinch #Starling #Goose #CanadaCoose #Sparrow
I saw one of these birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it.
I saw one of these #birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it. I took another, slow, careful step. Another #sparrow flew out of the bush, across the path, and into the tree. I stopped again.
This went on for about FIVE MORE ROUNDS before a couple of them flew into another bush and stopped where I could SEE them!
Then one of them flew off while I was aiming. 🤦
Western Bluebird
Two pairs of ducks and three geese seen at the marsh
Short video of starlings flying in formation
Goldfinches in sunlight, house finches in silhouette.
Goldfinches in sunlight, house finches in silhouette. And there were a bunch of each, just at opposite ends of the park. (I suspect the glob of leaves next to the goldfinches is hiding a nest.)
Two sparrows and a warbler spotted the other day.
I seem to have caught the second sparrow in the act of scratching its head.
Wrapping up another year with corvid.
Double Pigeon
Call your doctor if you experience double pigeon.
This is why I like carrying around a camera with optical zoom.
This is why I like carrying around a camera with optical zoom. Good luck spotting the hawk in the third photo.
This Say’s Phoebe, unlike the squirrel, was kind (or unconcerned) enough to stay put…
This Say’s Phoebe, unlike the squirrel, was kind (or unconcerned) enough to stay put while I walked around it to get both a better angle and better light. #birds #nature #SaysPhoebe
Two hawks circling off in the distance
I saw two hawks circling off in the distance to the northeast, then they chased a few crows toward and past me. Sadly I couldn’t catch a picture as they passed above. But a few minutes later I saw these two hawks – probably the same ones – circling in the distance to the southwest. I’ve seen both Red-Tailed Hawks and Cooper’s Hawks in the area, but I think these look more like red-tailed hawks.
Say’s Phoebe
Camera-shy Black Phoebe
A very camera-shy #BlackPhoebe. This was the clearest view I managed to get.