Ducklings! In one of the cleaner ponds at the marsh preserve.
#photos #nature #birds #ducks
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Ducklings! In one of the cleaner ponds at the marsh preserve.
#photos #nature #birds #ducks
A #mockingbird I caught just after it took off.
Or is it a mockingbirb?
Stork’s bill in a finch’s beak.
#Birds of #MadronaMarsh. There were a zillion red-winged blackbirds, at least one group of goldfinches, some starlings, and of course the usual geese and ducks.
#nature #Blackbird #RedWingedBlackbird #Goldfinch #Starling #Goose #CanadaCoose #Sparrow
I saw one of these #birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it. I took another, slow, careful step. Another #sparrow flew out of the bush, across the path, and into the tree. I stopped again.
This went on for about FIVE MORE ROUNDS before a couple of them flew into another bush and stopped where I could SEE them!
Then one of them flew off while I was aiming.
Goldfinches in sunlight, house finches in silhouette. And there were a bunch of each, just at opposite ends of the park. (I suspect the glob of leaves next to the goldfinches is hiding a nest.)
I seem to have caught the second sparrow in the act of scratching its head.
Call your doctor if you experience double pigeon.
This is why I like carrying around a camera with optical zoom. Good luck spotting the hawk in the third photo.
This Say’s Phoebe, unlike the squirrel, was kind (or unconcerned) enough to stay put while I walked around it to get both a better angle and better light. #birds #nature #SaysPhoebe
I saw two hawks circling off in the distance to the northeast, then they chased a few crows toward and past me. Sadly I couldn’t catch a picture as they passed above. But a few minutes later I saw these two hawks – probably the same ones – circling in the distance to the southwest. I’ve seen both Red-Tailed Hawks and Cooper’s Hawks in the area, but I think these look more like red-tailed hawks.
A very camera-shy #BlackPhoebe. This was the clearest view I managed to get.