Tag: birds
Western Bluebird
Mourning Dove (bare tree on a sunny day)
Mallards (at Ralph’s)
Pair of mallards in a grocery store parking lot.
Western Bluebirds spotted on a hike at the nearby marsh preserve over the weekend.
Western #Bluebirds spotted on a hike at the nearby marsh preserve over the weekend. This was before my camera battery ran out of power and I was stuck finishing out the hike with my phone. (I still can’t believe I forgot to bring the spare.)
“No, YOU listen!”
“No, YOU listen!”
On Photog.Social
On iNaturalist
Two days later…
I decided to make this photo my new header image [on Twitter]. It seems representative of the Twitter experience.
American Coot
Mallards (walking along Madrona Marsh trail)
Mourning Dove (gloomy in a bare tree)
Canada Goose
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
Female House Finch on a wire
American Crow
I’ve mostly stopped taking pictures of crows to submit here, because they’re so common. But this one was just standing on top of a hedge as I walked quickly along the sidewalk. It didn’t budge. So I stopped, grabbed my phone, and took a bunch of pictures from maybe 6 feet away. I even moved to get a better angle and it didn’t fly off, just kept looking around while staying put.
Uploaded a handful of bird photos ranging 2004-2015.
Uploaded a handful of #bird #photos ranging 2004-2015.
I imagine this #seagull reading the “No fishing” sign and being very disappointed.
An #egret wading in a marsh.
And another egret (I thought it was a crane at the time, but 3 people have IDed it as an egret) that I caught walking by the side of the road.
Funny thing is: I didn’t use the Flickr-to-#iNaturalist importer for these. On Flickr I posted the full, composed shots. For iNat, I wanted to crop them to show the birds more clearly.
I spotted some of these feral parrots in the grocery store parking lot today.
Two of these parakeets flew across the grocery store parking lot into a palm tree, squawking as they went. I could only spot one of them once they’d settled, but I managed to get almost a dozen photos of it while it sat there.
Link: Feral Parrots Are Taking Over America!
“These birds, descendants of escaped pets, have managed to create thriving colonies in these cities despite the annual cold weather.”
I spotted some of these feral #parrots in the grocery store parking lot today. Two #parakeets flew across the lot into a palm tree, squawking as they went. I could only spot one of them once they’d settled, but I managed to get almost a dozen photos of it while it sat there.
#birds #parakeets #FeralParakeets #FeralParrots
#nature #wildlife #photos
TODO: combine with this post and others
House Sparrows on a parking sign
These two sparrows were on the ground as I walked across the driveway, flew up to the sign as I approached, and stayed put just long enough for me to pull out my phone. I swear they took off the moment I clicked the virtual shutter. (Time restricted parking, indeed.)
I’m still amused every time I tag a “feral pigeon” on iNaturalist
I’m still amused every time I tag a “feral pigeon” on #iNaturalist
House Sparrow taking wing
Somewhere between 6-12 of them wandering around the brush and open area at the top of the bluffs near the coast. A lot less nervous than the ones I’ve seen in the city. I was able to get a lot closer.
A finch that I spotted practically right outside my door a few weeks ago.
A #finch that I spotted practically right outside my door a few weeks ago. I posted an animation made from several of these photos a while back. Here are the best of the still shots, cleaned up a bit.