Tag: birds
Some birds spotted on a hike yesterday morning: a California Towhee and…
Some birds spotted on a hike yesterday morning: a California Towhee (the mature one perched on top of a bush) and a bushtit (looking very birb-like). A whole lot of the latter were flying back and forth between the trees on either side of the path, barely stopping long enough for me to point the camera in the right direction.
Mourning Dove
I swear I’d lose my head if it wasn’t screwed on…wait, there it goes…
I swear I’d lose my head if it wasn’t screwed on…wait, there it goes…
Northern Mockingbird
Flapping Finches
I startled a group of around four or five finches on a lawn and they flew up to the nearest cables.
Two birds spotted while hiking the trails on top of the coastal bluffs
Two birds spotted while hiking the trails on top of the coastal bluffs southwest of Los Angeles. First a lesser goldfinch, which took me forever to actually catch on camera (there were 3 or 4 of them flitting around and not stopping for very long anywhere!) and a black phoebe that was perched a few yards from the trail.
#birds #photo #nature #finch #phoebe
This hawk was riding the updraft above the coastal bluffs.
And that’s that!
Chasing Hawks
Three smaller birds tried to chase away a pair of hawks from an electrical tower. One of them flew off while they chased it. The other waited a bit, then flew off to join the first one circling farther away.
Pair of Red-tailed Hawks
I heard these hawks calling to each other, then they each landed on this tower. I thought I saw a third one land there too, but by the time I was in a position to take any pictures, there were only the two. After a minute or two, a group of three smaller birds showed up and chased one of the hawks off. A few minutes later, the other flew off to join it, and I could see them circling together off in the distance.
Canada Goose
Most of the geese were toward the back of the park, not out front like they are sometimes.
American Coot
Sometimes I’ll see a whole flock of coots at this pond, sometimes a handful. Today I only saw one.
Large White-headed Gulls
Rufous, Allen’s, and Allied Hummingbirds
California Towhee (pecking at the ground)
Black Phoebe
Crows and Ravens
This crow started swooping toward a hawk almost as soon as it perched on top of an electrical transmission tower. It tried a bunch of times to scare it off, but the hawk ignored it.
Red-tailed Hawk (on transmission tower, May)
This hawk glided across the sky, then alighted on top of an electrical transmission tower. Almost immediately, a crow started trying to scare it off, swooping toward it repeatedly. The hawk remained unfazed and just stayed put while I walked around to the other side of the tower.