I saw (and heard) a bunch of finches – some house finches, and at least this one lesser goldfinch…

I saw (and heard) a bunch of finches – some house finches, and at least this one lesser goldfinch – when I took the trash bins out this morning. So I went back in, washed my hands and grabbed the camera.

#birds #nature #finch #photo

A very bright yellow bird with a small beak perched on a cable thicker than its feet, against a blue sky.

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I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

#Fotofails: I had a lot of trouble getting the camera to focus on this Black Phoebe and not the tree behind it, but that wasn’t the problem in this shot. I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

kelsonv: “#Fotofails: I had a lot of tro…”

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